desperate for some help

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    I have to write a paper for a class that I am taking. The assignment is to pick two Rebbeim in Shaas Bavli that commonly have a machlokes(like Abaye and Rava) and choose about 5 of their machlokesim and find a common theme within the way they pasken.

    I have been working really hard on this and I really cant develope any ideas and its hard to find mekoros for this.

    If anyone has any suggestions or can help me in any way possible I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks.


    I think there is a machlokes about being doresh taama d’kra. So you can find where that is, then find 5 places where those tannaim argue and the gemara says it is based on doresh taama d’kra.

    And then you’ll even be saying something correct.


    Very simple.

    Beis shammai and beis Hillel

    Other than the 1st mishna in beitza, beis hilel is the leinient opinion and beis shammai is the machmir


    any one else have any suggestions?


    I don’t think B”H and B”S are just lenient and strict. This is like saying that Hillel was a rabbi for a less observant congregation. I heard a deeper pshat that had something to do with hillel believing in being a realist, and following halacha at your level but shammai held that one should constantly aspire to higher levels. This is why Shammai would set aside food for shabbos during the week, aspiring for the kedusha of shabbos while Hillel would porposely rely on Hashem to provide the necessities for Shabbos in time. This follows the idea that we deal with what we have and trust Hashem on the rest. This is why when Mashiach comes the halacha will be like B”S since we will then be holding at that level he aspired to reach.

    lebidik yankel

    I’d look in the introduction to the sefer Ruach Chaim – the perush of Rabbi Chaim of Velozshon on Avos. The intro is called Meinei Yehoshua and traces the statements of Tannaim to their natures. If you don’t have a copy, search for it on


    Saying someone is lenient is like saying they are less observant?

    That couldn’t be further from the truth, more chumras don’t make one more Frum, in fact, the gemarra states that “koach hetera adifa” meaning that it takes one who is truly wise to find the leniency.


    Although I do not have first hand knowledge, I have heard from my chaburah that the Lubavitcher Rebbe many times gave shiurim or pilpulim that showed how the multiple seemingly unrelated machlokes between certain ta’anoim or amorim was based on a common thread li’shitasom. (Examples: if we view the matter generally or in detail; if we look at the act itself or the outcome etc.).

    From what I heard, these insights were mamesh gaonuss!

    This was also the approach of the Rockatchover Gaon in various machlokes in shas.

    If you know someone familiar with this godol’s Torahs in this area, such a person can assist you.

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