Do You Want to Know What Real Holiness Is?

Home Forums Inspiration / Mussar Do You Want to Know What Real Holiness Is?

  • This topic has 4 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 14 years ago by WIY.
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    I read something a while back, on the part where Moshe is standing at the sneh, and Hashem tells him, “Take off your shoes, because the ground you are standing on is holy”

    However, prior to that encounter, nothing of any notable significance happened there. So what makes it holy?

    The answer given was, whenever and wherever a person realizes the his mission in life, and seizes the moment to move forward with that mission, thats the threshold of holiness.


    BP Totty

    I like that! Beautiful vort. Thank you. P.S. The Shmuz on life book will be available in stores soon. Make sure you get a copy. It will be worth its weight in gold!


    Thanks, WIY. You’ve mentioned The Shmooze before, but since I don’t have speakers at work, I’m a little stuck.

    The vort? I got it on-line from, and have been carrying it (and 5 other tear offs) in my wintercoat since the early 2000’s.

    I really gotta do some house-keeping!



    Do you have an ipod or other mp3 playing device? The shiurim are all downloadable as mp3s or videos (although mp3 takes up a lot less space and downloads way faster, but its only audio) You can download an mp3 with a fast internet connection in a matter of a few minutes and put it on your mp3 player to listen to during your commutes. Just an idea…

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