Dr. Randomex's first official Coffee Room studio (recording in progress)

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Dr. Randomex's first official Coffee Room studio (recording in progress)

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  • #1038671
    Little Froggie

    VM: (Oh!) For this thread it is assumed you have excelled and graduated music school, and can play at least two musical instruments simultaneously.

    If you really need to know what she was posting – it’s instructions how to operated certain devices that produces alternating lengths and widths of sound waves. Their supposed to set the human mind into a certain mood, mindset, disposition. Perhaps at times motivating the use of one’s legs to move the body in rhythmic motion… it’s too complicated…

    Kinor: Is a girl allowed to “sing” here publicly?


    Why, do I sound like you, Little Froggie? 😉 So bad?

    Guess we should ask Popa if he lets. (Randomex, stop rolling your eyes.)


    eftach – i looked at the link – it’s from MMM?! That’s so cute! I never even knew that! (not a MMM fan) Which one is it on? (I – and I believe my class as well – know it from the video “Shai shai” – which incidentally is that video even around anymore?! Haven’t seen it in literally about 10 years…)


    An old one. As old as I am, or older.

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