Eco Mitzvahs?

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    HaLeiVi: Maybe not. I guess it depends on the particular rain dance and which tradition it comes from and how you do it. Native American ones should be actual AZ, I’m pretty sure.

    lebidik yankel

    The Chinuch explains that we have a migrash – an area outside the city reseved for trees and greenery in order to that there be parks and a “green zone”. So that might be an eco-mitzvah.


    If you are looking for that type of thing we have the Lo Sashchisu Mitzva. In fact, the reasoning the Torah gives is that the tree can’t run away. That sounds like there is a point to having Rachmanus on a tree.

    Trees have feelings, too.


    Reb yankel: Everyone knows mitzvos hat’luyos ba’aretz aren’t really mitzvos. After all, no one did them in the “Heim”.




    And yet it is the chareidim who express concern for these mitzvos. Unlike other groups who think their outdated and not modern enough for them.


    1. One can not create a Mitzva out of whole cloth.

    2. Not damaging other people’s property is against halacha, and is actionable in Beis Din.

    3. Much of the “green” movement is a fraud based on false presumptions such as that the world is overpopulated (which is why most greens are antagonistic to Orthodox Jews), or a mystical belief in a pending catastrophe due to global warming (reality is that it was warmed in Bayis Sheini times, and warmer during Rashi’s time, and climate normally varies – and actually people do better during the warmer periods since crops prefer warmth to frost). Since the “green” movement is not based on Torah, nor on science, some would say that it is Avodah Zarah as being based on faith in something other than Ha-Shem.


    Google Canfei Nesharim — it’s an Orthodox environmental organization with lots of info on what mitzvos are involved with environmentally-friendly actions.


    People who overly focus on made up eco mitzvios for the most part have the established mitzvas in der erd.

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