every principal a 22

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  • #607462
    jewish source

    this should be mandatory. a gun for every principal.


    And for every teacher. And school staff. Even the janitor.

    Heck, even the students.


    Who is going to provide the shooting lessons?


    What happens if a principal goes crazy. A whole school is going to be dead. Jewish source- you are kidding


    I agree that someone on staff should be licensed.

    jewish source

    N.G.I see the liberal mind working. I’ll answer you like a yid. what happens when a police officer goes nuts? I guess take all the guns away from police.


    So only give a gun to a Jewish principles. Never going to happen. If it does I’m becoming a Principal. lol


    jewish source, why do you think a principal, who spends most of his time in his office or in meetings, and most likely has no firearms training, would make a good security guard? On the positive side, no kid would dare misbehave.


    A .22? What, in case a squirrel comes attacking?

    It would have been about as helpful against this guy as a spitball.


    A .22? What, in case a squirrel comes attacking?

    It would have been about as helpful against this guy as a spitball.

    Second this. Spitting would probably be more effective than a .22. Besides, a pistol (especially a lady’s pistol) in general is useless in this sort of situation. A 12 gauge loaded with double-aught should do it, or a nice Mosin-Nagant with a telescopic sight (of course, the principal would need to be trained in its use) for longer distances or hostage situations.


    Yes, I think the shotgun approach is the best.


    Maybe there should be a grenade in the resource closet ready to use!


    And it would be wonderful for discipline as well. You know how the cops show their gun when dealing with someone unruly.


    A “22” is primarily for shooting small animals or target shooting. It isn’t the sort of weapon you would use to shoot people. For example, it’s the largest rifle allowed in Boy Scout camps. Do you really understand rifles?

    Giving a gun to someone who is untrained is suicidal. Shooting a gun, especially at a moving target who is shooting at you, is not

    a game. Are you confusing reality with a video game? Remember that in the real world, there is no reset button to give you additional lives.

    Note that our rabbanim have for many centuries have insisted on learning Torah rather than focusing on vocational skills (note that shooting terrorists qualifies as a vocational skill). If we need armed guards (and at this point, no American Jewish school has ever been attacked), we have a variety of methods to address the matter. Note that the mass shooting attacks against schools in the US have all come from people with some connection to the school, suggesting that we need to defend against someone who is going radically off derekh.


    i agree about specific staff carrying arms. sad but necessary nowadays


    I think an Israeli-trained security guard (or two) would be a far better choice.


    akuperma, the OP’s use of 22 is probably meant to echo the old JDL slogan, “Every Jew a 22.” It’s much catchier than “Every principal a 22.” I recommend “Every principal should be invincible.” Were there any Jews on the planet Krypton?


    the old JDL slogan, “Every Jew a 22.”

    Yeah, they should have said: “Alle yidden, ah drei hundred, fiftzik, und zibben”


    Firearms are very important, and the NRA President’s proposal was spot-on.

    I was reading an email I got from YCT with Rabbi Weiss’s remarks about the shooting, and I was immediately put off by something he said. He called for a ban on “assault weapons.” That would not have averted a tragedy such as this. If we look at Newtown, Arizona, Aurora, etc., the one thing in common is that each shooter was a mental case. We’re not supposed to look at the face of a rasha, but if you look at their faces, you can see the look of insanity.

    The way to avoid these problems is to deal with mental illness in a no-nonsense and comprehensive manner (i.e. bring back the snake pit), national spiritual and moral revival, secure our schools, and to stop blaming the Second Amendment!

    With all due respect, R’ Weiss should stick to rabbinical duties and until he studies constitutional law, he has no right to an opinion on the matter of whether certain firearms ought to be banned or not. Statism and tyranny are not part of my weltanschauung, and are obviously sadly a part of rebbi’s worldview, just as statism and tyranny is a part of R’ Akiva Herzfeld’s worldview (he penned an op-ed in a Maine newspaper advocating the legalization of gay “marriage” identifying himself as a musmach of YCT, r”l).

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