Family needs help

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    Father works 2 jobs, learns alot too, kids all on the derech, daughters bnos torah, boys some shteiging more some less, at home mother always there for her kids, but there is not enough parnassah for all they need ie mortgage food clothes car shidduchim bills are starting to pile up what should they do?



    moi aussi

    Lower standards, sell the car.


    It seems apparent that the mother needs to be earning additional family income. The kids seem to be doing well, they are evidently old enough to pitch in with the home chores including cooking, and it would not hurt for them to have part-time jobs and kick in with household funds, too.

    The mother may prefer to stay at home and be there for her kids -I totally get that (and feel the same way), but clearly this derech is not working for them financially. Perhaps she can get an evening job for a few hours, if not full time by day, when her husband is already home and can be there for the kids as she has been. I have been there, and I know it is not easy.


    I believe car is used for parnassa but perhaps they can cut back non parnassa use. Other standards are not fancy here.

    a mamin

    I love when people jump to conclude that those who cant make ends meet need to lower their standard! Its very hard for most families to make ends meet today with the higher cost of living! On both my husbands and my salary, on paper it would be impossible to make ends meet, just groceries and tuition take up most of our salary!

    Never been on vacation and gave up our car. No high standards to lower, just basic necessities!


    Unfortunately you are describing the situation in many “regular” families. Ask any of the chesed organizations in brooklyn like Keren Aniyim and Tomchei Shabbos and they will tell you that a large percentage of their clientele are what would be considered regular families- stable home, one or both parents work, no abnormal health care costs etc…

    A frum family needs to earn roughly twice as much than a non-jewish family. Tuition alone accounts for a huge percentage of it.

    May Hashem give all of us Parnasa bshefa.

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