Kashrus and Frozen Vegetables

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    many vegetables are fine when frozen, without supervision even.

    how does freezing help?

    my particular question: the cRc app says raspberries cannot be inspected and cant be used.

    under frozen raspberries it says they are fine even without supervision.

    so can i buy fresh raspberries, freeze them, thaw them, then eat them?

    ps. it might have been blackberries not raspberries i looked up


    it is raspberries, and its really weird.


    I’m not a rabbi, but frozen fruits and vegetables are generally washed, and frozen right in the fields immediately after they are picked, so they don’t have the same chance to develop insect infestations the way fresh vegetables do.


    if so, then it might be ok to eat them fresh picked. Tzoruch Iyun


    i found this on a chabad site

    i dont know who the author is

    “Raspberries are often infested with tiny insects. Therefore, many leading Kosher agencies discourage their consumption, even year-round. However, frozen raspberries go through a rigoruous cleansing process before they are frozen, which is deemed satisfactory for Kosher standards.”


    I use dry parsley, cilantro, and other herbs, but I almost never use the fresh stuff. What’s the difference? The leaves are 1) washed thoroughly and 2) chopped up and dried. So if there were any bugs, it’s a safek if they were still there after washing. It’s a safek if any remianing bugs are whole anymore. And once dried, they crumble and disintegrate. That becomes a s’fek sefaika.

    I imagine that freezing facilitates the breaking into pieces any possible bugs left over from a cleansing. Just my guess.

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