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    Do you remember when gargling mouthwash was a common practice?

    Is gargling barbaric now?

    Thank you


    I must be a Barbarian
    I gargle with alcoholic mouthwash several times each day.
    My dentist recommends it strongly for adults.

    Today there are very limited choices on the market, Listerine is the prevalent brand, and Lavoris the Dentist favored brand of my childhood is still produced in Canada and available in Dollar Tree in the USA.

    Most mouthwash sold in the US is alcohol free and useless for gargling…no alcohol, no killing germs.


    I still do it every morning.


    People still do it all the time. Why would you think otherwise?


    What’s the difference between Listerine and Scope?


    “Most mouthwash sold in the US is alcohol free and useless for gargling…no alcohol, no killing germs.”

    I have a bottle of a generic Listerine imitation that’s 26.9% alcohol. And for research purposes, I just gargled with some 40%-alcohol vodka; it has the advantage that you can swallow it when you’re finished gargling.


    “What’s the difference between Listerine and Scope?”

    Scope tastes like candy. Listerine tastes like medicine, so you know it’s good for you.


    Hasn’t the use of alcoholic mouthwash been linked to oral cancer?


    Doesn’t Scope have treif glycerin?


    Linked to oral cancer? That’s news to me. Correlation? Six degrees of separation? Minty temptation?

    My dentist recommends alcohol-fee mouth wash because alcohol dries the mouth, which iis counterproductive according to my gum and dental needs.

    If you need to kill ticks, and don’t have rubbing alcohol, then maybe dropping them in alcoholed-Listerine will do just as well.

    Please don’t tell them that I told you this. I’m not a fan of ticks. And yes, if I was hiring someone to work for me, and a tick sent me his or her resume, even if this tick went to the finest schools, had the greatest qualifications, and would bake me negative calorie cookies, I’m sorry, but I’d discriminate against him or her. I’d toss that resume into the alcoholed-Listerine, along with him or her. Then, I’d send his or her family a letter, and invite them to a pool party. The pool will be of rubbing alcohol… and I’m sorry I’m an evil person. I just really cannot support the employment of little vampires who carry viruses.

    Thank you… back to the point… gargling. Yes gargling.


    Rav Schwartz of the cRc states that “mouthwash doesn’t require a hashgacha, but it is preferred to use the kosher variety if available” (cRc)


    Different professional recommend different things

    My dentist insists adult patients use mouthwash with alcohol (except those with a drinking problem or diabetes).

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