Gemachs in Israel

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    Does anyone know where any clothing gemachs, for women in Israel are? Particularly in Yerushaliyim. Any info would be greatly appreciated!


    Try these:

    Beshaa Tova and Lev Rifkie Gemach – We’re set up to help families in a dignified manner, especially sensitive to the Anglo community’s needs and standards. Please keep us in mind if you have clothing (good quality and up-to-date) that you’d like to give away (women, girls, kids and maternity). Pick-up from your home is available. Please call Leah: 5373480 or email: chumyg at gmail dot com or call: 0544716975

    EY Mom

    Hi there -regards from your other post! 🙂

    I don’t know about Yerushalayim, there is one in Beitar called Yad Leah. I know that there is supposed to be a great one in Mattersdorf; unfortunately, I don’t know what it’s called but maybe another poster will help jog my memory.

    If you can get a hold of a Madrich HaChareidi there is a whole gemach listing there in the orange pages.



    If you can get your hands on a Madrich Chareidi (phone directory for the Chareidi communities in Yerushalayim – there may also be ones for other cities), there is a whole section on gemachim there. You can look up for gemachim on clothes.

    But just as a suggestion, there is Beged Yad LeYad. It is on Panim Meirot. I do not know if the mods will let me to post the phone number or specific address.


    Thanks a ton! I really appreciate it!

    The reason it kinda has to be in Jerusalem is because (this week and this upcoming sunday are just a random exception, because people in the states are on winter break and a lot of people I know are visiting E”Y and my friend’s seminary had a play I went to) I don’t typically get permission to go out on weeknights, and when I do, its usually late at night, (like tonight, I am going to town for an event at 7 pm) and I only have one free shabbos a month… so I would not have time to leave Jerusalem to go to a gemach. I feel like now is a bit late to call, but maybe next week I can call them.

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