They usually don’t have it in a kosher format. I also saw it advertised locally. It’s a new taste for many, but very expensive. I saw on another Jewish news website that there is a special organic goose that takes like pork. Of course, pork is cheap meat and goose is expensive.
I heard that a Rav in E”Y is considering putting a hechsher on this “kosher pork”. They said that non kosher restaurants in Israel serve real pork – now kosher restaurants will be able to serve kosher pork. How wonderful! What does pork even taste like? How would one even know if it’s a good imitation? Who cares? Who needs it?
Canadian geese are everywhere. The only question is eating them without a mesorah. there are those who have the “webbed feet” sevara, but I’m not sure everyone holds of them.
As for turkey, which doesn’t have a mesorah, “don’t ask”.
it’s 3 x as expensive as turkey. Does it taste that much better than turkey?
As for Canadian Geese, they were introduced to Europe in the 17th century. Not sure if they were eaten before the Rema. The mechaber holds of the “webbed feet is not a dores” svara, so sephardim can kill them for cheap meat.