Hatzalah Member Discounts

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    Herr Himmel

    Is it wrong for a Hatzalah member to accept a discounted rate at a merchant who offers discounts to Hatzalah (or other Chsed organization) members — since it is cashing in on ones mitzvos?


    The mitzvah of visiting the sick is rewarded in Olam habo and in this world.


    What’s the shaychus? Are you implying that if someone is part of Bikur Cholim they should accept merchant discounts on personal items for being a BC member?

    The reward in this world for bikur cholim is given by Hashem (i.e. he spared punishment in this world – Shabbos 127a/Nedarim 40a), it isn’t something he uses to obtain favorable treatment.

    doodle jump

    Each Hatzalah member is a Mal’ach from HaShem. HaShem should shower them with all that is good.

    The Frumguy

    And I always thought that they did the Chesed Lishmah.

    doodle jump

    TFG: They are doing it Lishma, but if a person wants to show his appreciation, What is wrong with that?


    Nothing. The question is if he should accept the discount because he is a volunteer.

    doodle jump

    I really don’t see any problem with it. They are volunteers without specific hours, or time. When you have a volunteer, he/she has a set time. Not these guys. They are always on call. Shabbos, Yom Tov, Sedarim, Shul, Seudos, you name it. Their families are also amazing, since they are in this together. We should show them appreciation as much as we can because without them, good luck.


    You also have to consider that the owner/seller/etc. might be offended if you refuse the discount.


    But should they accept this financial “payment” for their mitzvah?

    yaakov doe

    As a parent of a member, I don’t see a problem with a merchant showing appreciation through a discount. I assure you that my son didn’t join to get a discount or for status, but to help fellow Yiddin.


    My husband is a member of hatzoloh and the only time he does accept the discount is when the cashier notices his radio (or if he happens to be wearing his shirt/jacket with teh hatzoloh emblem) and automatically gives the discount. I asked him why he doesnt take advantage of it and he said what a previous member mentioned, he doesnt want to get paid for a mitzvah.

    doodle jump

    Miritchka: I really don’t think that by receiving a discount he is forgoing his mitzvah. People want to show appreciation for those tzadikim. When a Rebbi gets a chanukkah gift from a parent, is he forgoing his mitzvah of teaching Torah? Of course not. A parent wants to show appreciation. Let him receive the discount. He deserves it. I really don’t see any problem with it.

    A Heimishe Mom

    I second miritchka. My husband will not use a hatzolah member discount as a matter of course although he is a member. If someone gives it to him without him asking then he won’t refuse as a favor to the merchant. Not all members are like that. Some will take whatever discount is available. Fine by me, but not for me.


    How about a Kollel discount?


    Gavra at work: I think that the difference, imho, is that men in kollel usually need the discount more than others. This is not to say that hatzoloh members or any other person doesnt. From a personal standpoint, we could really use the discount. Besides, i thought that the kollel discount was a store owners way of contributing his part to the ‘yisschar-zevulun’ partnership. Whereas the hatzoloh discount is when one shows appreciation. correct me if i’m wrong.


    doodlejump: its not that he feels he’s forgoing the mitzvah, its a matter of perspective. Believe me, i know from a firsthand point how much a member of hatzoloh gives..!! I dont know if this is a good way to explain myself but i’ll try: one should eat a fruit to make a berach, not make a beracha to eat the fruit.

    As far as a gift for a rebbe/morah, a parent is mechuyav to teach his child. If he cant for whatever reason, he hires someone. When you hire someone, you have to pay. And just like, lehavdil a manicurist or barber, many people feel the need to tip.

    Dr. Seuss

    If I were the merchant, I would happily give members discounts since it would be a great (and cheap) way to buy a portion of their mitzvah.

    If I were the member, I would always certainly not ask for the discount and even refuse it if the merchant automatically gave it to me, since I would never want to sell even a portion of my mitzvah.


    Gavra at work: I think that the difference, imho, is that men in kollel usually need the discount more than others. This is not to say that hatzoloh members or any other person doesnt. From a personal standpoint, we could really use the discount. Besides, i thought that the kollel discount was a store owners way of contributing his part to the ‘yisschar-zevulun’ partnership. Whereas the hatzoloh discount is when one shows appreciation. correct me if i’m wrong.

    I hear you. One is giving Tzedaka, while the other is showing Hakoras HaTov. A person is Mechuyav in both.

    Bar Shattya

    The mitzvah of visiting the sick is rewarded in Olam habo and in this world.

    The Chovos HaLevovos says that people like a tzadik, but that’s Hashem’s job, not your job to make them like you. ( Yichud hamaaseh, around Page Mem Zayin in Lev Tov Ed.)

    He also has a story of a Tzadik who got offered a disount because he was a holy dawg and refused it so as not to get reward for good stuff, but I suspect we may not be on the same level so I don’t know how that applies to us.

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