Does anyone know of an organization or individual in America that can help someone pay for his own wedding? Like he is really struggling to make ends meet.
BS”D Where in the US? Most of the chassune tzedokos are local. The one in Crown Heights is among the best even compared to similar organizations in EY where they are more common but they are overworked locally and I doubt they can help elsewhere.
Still you may want to look up Devorah Benjamin and Chevra Simchos Chosson veKalla because they may know of people elsewhere.
mikehall: Even a “small wedding” by frum standards costs money. Even the smallest halachically acceptable wedding involves feeding 12 people and that’s counting the edim, mesader kiddushin etc in the minyan. As hard as it might be for some of us to grasp there are people, even in America who are actually poor in the realest sense of the word.