Dear B”Y,
Where? Where are you? Are you awake? I don’t know what compelled me to suddenly watch the videos on the two bochurim who were killed in a horrific car accident. I don’t know what compelled me to watch the video on the Itamar massacre, but all I can say is I’m crying. Inside my heart is torn apart. I think to myself “how can we be living our daily lives when Hashem is sending us such crystal clear messages?” Over the past few months there have been many horrific tragedies yet we continue to just be the way we are?! How can we? How can we just move on and not pay attention to what’s going on here? I’m literally balling here as I realize how many horrible tragedies have befallen klal yisrael. When? When will we wake up?! Dani, Eli, Fogel family as well as all the others who are no longer with us, pray. Pray on our behalf that we should see moshiach. That we should see the light of the geulah bimheira biyameinu. And continue to inspire us just like you have.
P.S. I didn’t know any of the boys yet when I watched the video I was so inspired. I’m just writing what I’m thinking so take it or don’t