How do you tell a good friend you no longer want to eat at their home?

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee How do you tell a good friend you no longer want to eat at their home?

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    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    I was so upset by Mosherose’s over-the-top comment that I lost my head.

    I have to disagree with you on this one. Mosherose’s comments are usually way too ridiculous to even get upset about.


    Daas Yochid, I bow to your greater wisdom.

    Sender Av

    Thank G-D I did not have to confront this this week as they have not invited us again. I accepted their invitation last week and then declined.


    I’m sorry if your so desensitized to kedusha that you can have treif cookbooks in your house. I can’t eat some where where there is such a lack of kedusha


    The issur is on the treif cooking, not the “treif” cookbooks. Cookbooks are not treif unless the pages are made from pigskin (and even that is technically not tarfus, but lo tehora).

    As a cookbook is not ra-ui l’achila, it does not even have a status of kashrus. I will however, agree with you that given the glut of KOSHER gourmet cookbooks available, there is really no compelling reason to b’davka buy one with questionable recipes. But that certainly does not reflect on your friend’s kashrus. Let’s all find another chynik to hok.

    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    I’m sorry if your so desensitized to kedusha that you can have treif cookbooks in your house. I can’t eat some where where there is such a lack of kedusha

    Mosherose, there are treif recipes all over the internet, so you’d better get rid of your computer, fast, before you get even more desensitized than you already are.

    Sender Av

    So to update. After avoiding invitations for the past couple of weeks (BH, true avoidances most of the time (ie. already had plans, other times tired), my friend asked yesterday why we dont eat at their home. They were not mad or hurt about that, but were hurt that I did not feel comfortable enough to tell them this. Personally I think I might be insulted if someone told me this.


    so what did you tell them? were you honest with them? I have a co worker who has the softest way of saying anything and everything. she would be great at saying something to your neighbor!


    mosherose, im assuming you dont leave your house bec of the lack of kedusha in this world

    Sender Av

    yes. I was honest with them, I still need to address a couple more issues with them, but I was in such a rush to get out for mincha that I had to cut the conversation short.


    A friend of mine recently told me she doesn’t allow cookbooks in her home if they have treif recipes. I was very happy to re-read this thread and realize I’m not the crazy one.



    “Let’s all find another chynik to hock.”

    May I vote that ? –

    – Best Sentence in CR Ever –


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