How many nicknames can you think of for Snowbunny3318?

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee How many nicknames can you think of for Snowbunny3318?

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    In real life, I get annoyed when people come up with random nicknames for me, but I don’t want to say anything to them because people trying to be affectionate towards me is the least of my worries. Does anyone else get annoyed when people refer to them by nicknames, or is it just me? Also, I have been refered to by a million different things on this website, anyone wanna make a list? What kinds of nicknames do people call you?


    almost all my friends and frequent acquaintances give me nicknames. it doesn’t bother me, BECAUSE they know not to use them in public settings where i would mind, such as at a wedding while talking with a former teacher, etc :). but if you mind the nicknames, it may be ossur for them to call you by them, and you should say something. there’s no less affection when using your real name. the fact that they tried it does show a comfort level tho.

    now nicknames for you…. 😀









    yep, that’s all i’d come up with!



    hoppy girl

    8133bs (backwards bunny :P)




    lol I have amassed an army of nicknames for myself… I like them, though. But I sort of have to, because otherwise I would be a big fat hypocrite. ^_^


    And we AREN’T going to talk to you anymore–GO TO SLEEP!


    i physically can’t… I have plenty of time to sleep on shabbos…


    No offense, Snowbunny, but this thread makes you seem a little self-centered.

    You really need to get to sleep.


    i just tried to for an hour… it failed miserably. And your completely right. i am just super tired but can’t fall asleep.


    relaxing, slow music?


    its nearly 4:30 am and davening is at 7:45, and i have to pack for shabbos and i have class at nine. Mandatory breakfast is at 8 am. i give up. I need to find someone who is doing clinical studies involving a free sleep study, Baruch Hashem there is always some sort of scientific research done in israel.


    I have a sibling with bipolar disorder (as I mentioned in the other thread) who participated in a sleep study when he was younger (my great-something-or-another had narcolepsy, so sleep disorder was a valid suspicion). It ended up being a big waste of time for him and my parents because the problem had really mushroomed from a combination of bad habits and the wrong med dosages.

    I of course can’t make any definite parallels, but what I can say that instead of running higgeldy-piggeldy to all sorts of specialists that will evaluate your problem through the prism of their area of expertise, talk to the original doctor that diagnosed you, or your family doctor that you rely on and is aware of your complete medical history. They will probably have the best eitzah.


    my primary doctor back home is a shrink… my pediatrician barely knows anything other than the fact that i need to have a yearly physical and someone to prescribe me allergy meds, and vaccinate me when my schools require it.


    Spending time online will definitely not help you to fall asleep…


    i gave up a few hours ago on that for tonight ( its 5:30 am here!!!!!)

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