I dare you……

Home Forums Controversial Topics I dare you……

  • This topic has 50 replies, 19 voices, and was last updated 10 years ago by 2NI3.
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  • #612694

    To say something personal about yourself. Why the need to post with a ridiculous made-up name? Say what your profession is (I think it’s obvious what mine is), your gender, where you live, why do you enjoy posting here. What does it say about us that we post with no real identifying issue, is this a healthy thing?


    For someone who professes to be a therapist, you sure don’t seem to know much about people.


    My name is 29 and I am a mod.

    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    I am a plumber. I am female. I live in Kalamazoo (which, by the way, is not really a zoo).

    I post here because it gives me a deep sense of satisfaction to insult anonymous people.

    The fact that I (used to) post with no identifying issues says that I’m afraid of meeting popa in real life. This is a very healthy thing, almost as healthy as spinach (but with less of a chashash of tolaim).

    I. M. Shluffin

    I am an important government executive. I live in the White House as the pet turtle. If I reveal any more information I will become tomorrow’s soup du jour.


    Thank you mod for the honesty. I find it disturbing that even with no identifying information, some have the tendency to hide and joke around. Popa, I work with people and do a good job at my profession. I am merely curious as to whether people think blogging is harmless and healthy outlet or demonstrates a lack of self esteem.

    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    Thank you mod for the honesty.

    You mean 29 is your real name?


    And if it demonstrates a lack of self-esteem, do you want to take away all the happiness of losers who aren’t good for anything else?

    ED IT OR

    Dare taken..

    my name is crazy and im not a mod, im a brit by profession and i Detest therapists.

    🐵 ⌨ Gamanit

    My name is George, I’m a typist. I don’t post under my real name, because some people discriminate against monkeys.


    Gamanit, are you that monkey without a tail?


    The therapist- I find it disturbing that even with no identifying information, some have the tendency to hide and joke around.

      Name: ‘Therapy’


      Hides behind vocation. Prefers anonymity. Not confident about self: Either name, or body image. Decision aversion. Possible DID. Possible Environmental variables. Narcissistic to other CR users.

      Pre-therapy Prognosis: Excessive Bystander intervention Hyperactive Disorder


    lol yes pixelate.

    I did in fact miss the irony of the OP coming online to anonymously insult us.

    I am a kitten. My name is popa. I live in a big white house in the country. Every day when I wake up I say meow; it means hello.


    Don’t lie about your age. You are six or seven years old, fully grown, and you sometimes don’t meow.

    🍫Syag Lchochma

    pixelate and popa – I can’t believe you fell for it!!

    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    Syag, fell for what?

    🍫Syag Lchochma

    the thread

    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    If anything, I fell for the thread. I was intimidated by the OP’s implication of cowardice, and revealed much more of my identity than I usually do.

    Now how am I going to get a shidduch?


    Somehow I think well all survive and live a lot happier by going behind pseudonyms.


    I will give you all discounts if you ever want to come see me!

    Kidding aside, I ‘m sure we all have healthy social interactions and various ways to express ourselves so it is interesting that members of the coffee room appear to relish the opportunity to express themself in a creative and free-spirit way that may not be available or tolerated in the “real world”.


    stop analyzing everything. if you feel this is wrong why don’t u use ur real name?


    I would never come to see you, because you view people’s emotions as “interesting” observations.

    You are so completely removed from any ability to empathize with other people that you literally came on here and did the exact thing that you accused us of (by accusing us of it). You are truly a sociopath.

    And a sociopath does not a good therapist make.

    And you really do owe us your real name now, to remove the anonymity from your attack on us.


    He doesn’t have a name. He got rid of it because it was unprofessional.


    Why I post here?

    In case you haven’t figured it out yet, it’s to spread the light. (y’know “a light onto the..”)


    Do you double dog dare me???


    I dont want to come across as clinical or cold. it is interesting to note the strong reactions by some. You obviously have an image of a therapist wearing black, sitting on a leather chair and pretending to listen to a client. I am not in private practice, I work with all populations, Jewish and not and therapy is very from that. And I excel in listening, empathizing and connecting with the client. I will be glad to correct any misconceptions anyone may have or answer questions.

    And 2N13, I dont analyze everything, I utilize coffee room like everyone else.

    Goq: I triple dare you! be bold

    (obviously, due to the nature of my profession, I dont reveal it.

    Popa, I am the nicest guy you could meet, really sweet


    I dont want to come across as clinical or cold. it is interesting to note the strong reactions by some.

    You’re still doing it. You’re turning every interaction you have with people into an academic observation about them, instead of engaging with people as people.

    I don’t know you, and you may be very pleasant, but you are coming across here as a sociopath.

    And not nice also. You think you’re the first person to come on this site, post for a few days, and then accuse us of unhealthy behaviors for posting here? Or call us all lifeless losers who waste our time here? You aren’t. And it’s a pretty mean thing to do.

    You owe us an apology, and you owe yourself some thinking about how to recover some empathy out of your clinical abyss. You may want to see a therapist.


    sorry but based on your response you definantly psycho-analyzed this whole conversation.

    🍫Syag Lchochma

    hey mr/s. therapist, do you sense a bit of defensiveness here? maybe therapistaphobia or something? Tough crowd I tell ya.

    🐵 ⌨ Gamanit

    Seriously though, from the cr rules:

    1 – Please don’t try to pry out personal information. Any questions or comments directed towards trying to “figure out” a blogger’s identity will not be tolerated.


    I come here to escape my therapistophobia


    im not trying to sound mean but if you keep bashing us and trying to pull information out of us then you need to share first..that’s the way life works.

    the plumber

    Isn’t that what therapists are? Wearing black, sitting on a larger chair waiting for five o clock when they can get out of ther, away from all those crazy people?


    To say something personal about yourself. Why the need to post with a ridiculous made-up name? Say what your profession is (I think it’s obvious what mine is), your gender, where you live, why do you enjoy posting here. What does it say about us that we post with no real identifying issue, is this a healthy thing? “

    I find it very interesting that you feel this way. The main reason why some of us may choose to NOT identify ourselves, is in order to feel comfortable IRL, should we actually turn out to meet other members of the CR. Can’t happen, you say? Already has. And while I am absolutely delighted to have discovered a long-lost friend here, through mamesh Hashgocha Protis, perhaps others among us would not feel similarly-inclined, particularly if they expressed a thought that was less than flattering, regarding someone else’s opinion.

    In any case, yes, it is perfectly healthy to remain anonymous. It enables some of us to express thoughts and concerns that may be intensely emotional, and to reach out to others who might actually have something helpful to say, by way of good advice, chizuk, or commiseration.

    Do some people need actual therapy? Undoubtedly. But for many people it is completely therapeutic, cathartic, and freeing, to express themselves in the CR, and guess what – it is absolutely free of charge!!!!!

    BTW, it really helps avoid getting cyber-stalked, when you keep your private info private. Just saying… And of that, I unfortunately know whereof I speak.


    Popa, you should compliment the therapist on little froggies sefira thread:)


    Oomis, exactly!! To the tee. Every point.

    For me, (and everyone can see this) I’m already busted, many, to my disdain know me IRL and everything I wish to express has to be scrutinized and veiled. What I do write these days is much less than those “good-old” days when I ran completely undisturbed. Changing my s/n again won’t do much, I can’t hide from my inner self, that’s me and it’s probably gonna be me.

    Another disturbing factor (cannot be avoided, I guess) is when anyone here “whacks” me, it hurts a lot more, it gets chewed and rechewed by those “in the know”. No, it not a comfortable feeling. Surprise! I do have feelings. Sometimes very, very sensitive. And the hurt factor adjusts accordingly.

    I know, it’s my fault for “opening my mouth” in the first place, still…

    I may yet choose to switch to again to another, if just to confuse the newest “family members” for some time – just a possibility.


    I’m a playwright, and I use a therapist


    oomis, I totally agree with you! That is what I was wondering, is it a healthy thing or not. On one hand, of course I get the value of speaking our mind anonymously. On the other hand, then there is no accountability and its easy to attack others, etc. I think there is alot to be analyzed from the types who do post here and why but i didnt really mean to ask so seriously, but just like most people, to start an interesting thread, to relax, or when Im bored or too tired to do anything else.

    BTW, Im not really a therapist. I’m a mailman. Or a Sheitelmacher. Or an actuary. Or a cowboy. Or a triple agent who has been turned.

    Just kidding. I am a therapist. And if anyone figures out who I am, big whoop.

    PS I dont think I am defensive, I just have the (terrible) habit of sometimes trying to be rational. Even in coffee room

    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    On the other hand, then there is no accountability and its easy to attack others, etc.

    Which is precisely what you’re doing.


    oomis, I totally agree with you! That is what I was wondering, is it a healthy thing or not. On one hand, of course I get the value of speaking our mind anonymously. On the other hand, then there is no accountability and its easy to attack others, etc. I think there is alot to be analyzed from the types who do post here and why but i didnt really mean to ask so seriously, but just like most people, to start an interesting thread, to relax, or when Im bored or too tired to do anything else.

    BTW, Im not really a therapist. I’m a mailman. Or a Sheitelmacher. Or an actuary. Or a cowboy. Or a triple agent who has been turned.

    Just kidding. I am a therapist. And if anyone figures out who I am, big whoop.

    PS I dont think I am defensive, I just have the (terrible) habit of sometimes trying to be rational. Even in coffee room

    I actually read through your entire long boring post on the off chance you had hidden your apology in the middle.

    Folks, don’t bother reading it. He doesn’t apologize.


    You’re a therapist, so what? You want us to give you a peanut or something?


    Ok, folks, this is my last post. I will then change my name. I apologize for challenging you to think a little deeper than your norm. You can all go back to whatever important things you are doing. One thing I ask: Please be civil towards each other, even if you strongly disagree. Blog away to your hearts content but there is no heter to engage in anything nasty.

    All the best

    Good shabbos

    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    there is no heter to engage in anything nasty

    Before you go, can you just let us know who your rav is so we can ask him? Because apparently, you got a heter to be nasty.


    And one thing we ask. Please be civil towards us, you condescending not nice and nasty person.

    All the best and good shabbos,

    Popa Ibn Abba


    He’ll come back as The_Lawyer and start screaming “I’ll sue you!” to everybody here. Wait and see.

    Shabbat Shalom.


    I’m more afraid he’ll come back as The_Tzaddik.


    My, my!! What have we (OK, you all) against this individual? My goodness, I didn’t really see anything so nasty, offensive in his post. Newcomers come in different shapes and forms. Everyone with their individual personality. Not everyone comes in new as a shefelah, sheepish. Some have a bubbling, outgoing, (slightly aggressive) side to themselves. Give ’em time, they’ll mellow down. Not nice how you all ganged up. Everyone has something to add, to share.


    Its quite sick when someone learns special skills that are taught to help people, and uses them to hurt people instead.


    If he is a real therapist it might be his way of talking without meaning any harm


    I agree Little Froggie. What was nasty? Maybe a little nosy. Not nasty. He was just wondering about people’s motives.

    Nobody here ever questions their own motives? It is a good thing to do once in a while. Keeps you on track. Personally, his question got me thinking. Why did everyone become so defensive? I didnt think he came to attack in his first post.

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