I just got my Licence

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    Litoeles Harabim

    I just got my Licence, so I want to remind everyone to stay indoors


    That is hilarious! Good luck with driving This name is already taken 🙂


    Driving is like constantly taking an exam. You may feel like the teacher isn’t looking and cheat a little, but she sees you, and you get an F. Like the teacher, someone is always watching. Your name is attached to your driver’s license — and with all the monitoring devices on the road, you can only imagine bending the rules leads to something a little worse than detention.


    You should have in mind, every time that you drive, to fulfill the command of ‘Lo Sirtzach’. Hatzlazcha, and safe driving!


    certainly not to spell.

    YW Moderator-42

    I’ll stay off the sidewalks.


    @Toi “certainly not to spell.”

    I assume the OP is from the UK. Here, we write “licence”. And we have a Ministry of Defence. Also, we go shopping in the town centre, after going to see my company’s HR department during surgery hours. Things are much more civilised here!


    I’m also working on my licen[c/s]e, by the way. Now *that* will be something.


    TCG -“HR department during surgery hours.”

    I’m American. Everything else you posted I understand, but not the above. Please explain.


    In the US, getting a licence is a breeze.

    You take an easy written test, then watch a slide show at last you give a ride for the instructor which does’t last for more than a few minutes before you know it your a licensed driver!



    In the UK, every place where you can just walk in and talk to somebody is referred to as ‘surgery’.

    Thus, police officers hold surgeries. The HR department holds surgeries. The council (municipality) holds surgeries. And if you’re ill, you go to your GP’s surgery.

    (BTW, I am not British – I’m used to American English, and these things greatly amuse me as well.)


    @Toi “certainly not to spell.”

    The Chassidishe Gatesheader-I assume the OP is from the UK. Here, we write “licence”. And we have a Ministry of Defence. Also, we go shopping in the town centre, after going to see my company’s HR department during surgery hours. Things are much more civilised here!

    Actually I’m american and I spelt* License wrong

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