Hi, this is my first time here! I need info on the rockshire transit bus going from Lakewood to monsey. Is it a coach bus, sprinter, or 15 pass van? How much is a one way? Are children cheaper? Thanks!
@Going green: I know they they used to be vans and it was $20, but I think they have buses now. Sorry I can’t help more than that. I also think the stop is in West Gate, if that helps any bit. G. Luck.
If I recall correctly, it is $20. The bus is not a coach bus, however it is bigger than a sprinter or 15 passenger van. Looks like some of the smaller commuter buses that go through the Lincoln tunnel Not a school bus.
It’s a shuttle bus like the ones you’ll see by the airports transporting to and from rental car companies, seats about 20 or so. Last I Checked it was approximately 20 dollars each way I don’t think children are cheaper.