if you're married and haven't read "Men are from Mars & Women are from Venus….

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee if you're married and haven't read "Men are from Mars & Women are from Venus….

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  • #602760
    Think first

    …Then go out and buy it. I promise you your marriage will blossom like never before.

    If you’re single, read it, you’ll be very well prepared for a great journey.



    I’m not sure it’s the correct hashkafa for everyone to read.


    i’ve never read it but it doesn’t sound like the right hashkafa, like yitzchokm said.


    Such things only cause havoc. Being a good person is what makes a marriage work. Lots of talking, open communication, honesty, spending time together and not secluding yourself. There, that’s all you need for married life summarized in 3 lines.

    I agree with yitzchokm, also.


    I’ve read it, and it isn’t any hashkafa–good nor bad. It is just a book about how men and women think, and is quite helpful in understanding why women are such morons.


    It’s a great book that helps men and women understand each other and a tool that can improve marriages. Especially important in a community where men and women don’t have much contact prior to marriage. Why would you judge the hashkafa of a book that you never read based on a title or the cover? All this book does is encourage and teach men and women to communicate better. Who cares whether it was put out by Artscroll or Feldheim or a secular publisher.


    Read it? I (and all marrieds) live it.

    Old ideas, new packaging. Best way to learn the ropes is by playing the game. Take the cost of the book and buy flowers instead. You’ll learn all you need to know, and then some.


    as my chosson teacher opened up the shmooze with “women are nuts”, you dont need to buy a book to learn that. there, i just taught you all you need to know. please send 17.99+s&h to me.


    popa_bar_abba: I agree. Which goes to show how idiotic the book is. And damaging to a good marriage rather than helpful


    Dont Worry Be Happy

    Why would you say I haven’t read it?

    I believe that some of the points it brings out may be wrong.

    The point of Artscroll ect books is that they have some sort of haskomus, stating that it reflects torah hashkafa.


    popa, you being a woman and all, what does that make you?


    either way, the rest of his books are definitely assur for an unmarried bachur.


    I was responding to “Yummy Cupcake” who said “i’ve never read it but it doesn’t sound like the right hashkafa, like yitzchokm said.” I just don’t understand why somebody would have an opinion about hashkafa on a book that they haven’t read.


    Toi – “as my chosson teacher opened up the shmooze with “women are nuts”, you dont need to buy a book to learn that. there, i just taught you all you need to know. please send 17.99+s&h to me.” This comment underscores the need for couples to be taught how to communicate, it’s not natural to many people and alot of resentment can be created while young couples try to figure it out. I really hope that your chosson teacher didn’t open with a comment that women are all nuts and that if he did you moved on to a class that taught with respect. Men and women are different, but neither are nuts.


    for the record, the author was divorced a few times.

    What i took from the book was that when my wife says somethings wrong, dont try to ‘fix it’ she wants me to listen and feel bad… and then when i have an issue- she says how she feels bad– and i say i dont care- all i want is to fix it.

    Think first

    Toi- oy vavoy! On you and your chosson teacher. Halacha teaches a man to love his wife like himself and respect her more than himself.

    I wonder how well ur marriage is doing with that attitude, which totaly against halacha and hashkafa.


    Toi – are you just trying to shock, or just never have patience to type (or explain yourself) ?

    We all understand, I hope, that marriage is meant to help us grow in our midos, actually try to change our ways that disturb others, and manage to put others before our own, natural ways/tendencies/wants etc.


    logician- the second. thanks for being my miturgamen lol.


    So why bother posting ?

    It sounds like you actually have the ability to explain normal, yeshivish hashkofos (people, i’m using this phrase for TOI only, kay?) to the rest of the people here. Instead you often come across sort of…well…whatever. 🙂


    logician- thanks for the compliment. you could be right, but i tire of having to deal at length with people who wont admit that they seek to further their agendas, as opposed to trying to see things in a torah light. my mother always said i shoulda been a lawyer rather then a yungerman. but you cant curl youre thumb at a judge; i just wouldnt be able to deal.


    Toi – actually I think you should go to law school just to introduce to them the powerful thumb-waving thinking technique 🙂

    I, on the other hand, enjoy dealing with them at length, and while of course they never admit to anything, to others who read the exchange it becomes clear who proved what.


    …. and while of course they never admit to anything, to others who read the exchange it becomes clear who proved what.


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