Is it bad to say 'guys' when referring to girls?

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    i have a habit and i’ve heard a lot of frum ppl disapprove..


    Guys are guys and girls are girls. Men are men and women are women.


    it’s like saying “That swamp was Man made”. Who says a man made it?? perhaps a woman made it… Man is short for human.

    You can tell them that saying “guys” is just the modernised way of saying “man”

    If they are not content with that tell them you will start calling them all Humans instead of guys.. perhaps they’ll prefer that instead..

    YW Band

    I hear many girls when speaking to a group of friends will say “guys”. I don’t see any problem with it or any hava amena for it to be wrong. It reminds me of how the shvartzas call themselves “niger”, despite the fact they hate if people call them by it. However, it is purely assur for one to call a name to someone who doesn’t like it!


    more: Where are you that it wasn’t Shabbos 15 hours ago, that you could post? Australia?


    As being a girl, I DO ussually refer to my friends as guyz, guyz meaning a group of people together…though if you are amle its a little interesting to refer to a group of girls as “guyz” and why would you need to refer to a group of girls anyway if your not with them? the only place i use guyz is when i say something like “guyz , im bored” or “guyz , lets go on a walk”

    YW Moderator-42

    Shlishi, let’s not get into that discussion again please.


    It’s called a guy because there was once a person named Guy and a kid made a puppet show and one of the puppets was supposed to be Guy and the puppet looked like a slob. So when you call people guys you’re calling them slobs.


    Yes I think that it is very wrong to refer to someone you do not know as “GUYS” I work in a retail store & when I answer the phone, to “hey do you guys have……..” I usually hang up on them. In todays day & age when Chutzpa rules, it seems OK to do that. But by our Torah Standards, we have to have Kovod Habriyos and speak to people, especially if you do not know them, with proper respect. Do you think that a Rosh Hayeshiva would speak like that, or even a Rav. We are all Princes or Princess of our “TATTY, the KING” we have to be careful to great someone who is also Nivre BZtelem Elokim with the proper respect.


    Bbubbee, I’m lucky you are not my Bbubbee……. I c/wouldn’t stand your opinions.


    What about the word “gal” or “gals”? It is instead of “guy” or “guys”. Is there something wrong with it?



    Gal is, in fact, the correct female correlation to the male term of guy.


    when I answer the phone, to “hey do you guys have……..” I usually hang up on them. In todays day & age when Chutzpa rules, it seems OK to do that.

    Even in today’s day and age, it’s rude to hang up on somebody,

    and if I were your boss, I’d probably fire you for it.


    agree with daas yochid about hanging up. totally rude. and with being called guys, and yes, i’m a girl, i agree with shopping. its just the term you use when referring to a group. nothing bad. i use it all the time and so do my friends.


    bbubbe: Have you ever thought that maybe the definition of Chutzpah and rudeness changes with time? What was acceptable years ago might not be now and vice versa?


    shlishi, I know but heard girls get offended when called gals.



    Those are the ones who wanna show off their manhood. (So they call each other guys.)


    I try not to say “guys,” but rather, “people or folks.”


    Very simple, if you are a guy talking to guys you say “you guys” and if you are a guy talking to girls you say “you girls” it is weird for a guy to address girls and say “you guys.”

    For a girl speaking to guys or girls she can use guys as it has become common for girls to address a group of girls as “you guys.”


    I work in a retail store & when I answer the phone, to “hey do you guys have……..” I usually hang up on them.

    If your boss didn’t give you permission to hang up, you are stealing from your employer, which is an issur d’oreisa.

    golden mom

    i had a teacher in high school who said it was not proper to even say guys about a male


    She probably meant it isn’t proper for girls to talk about “guys” since it indicates a degree of camaraderie with the guys.


    My brother in law told me that girls have an inferiority complex because we call each other guys. oh well

    Shticky Guy

    Listen guys, in my opinion you gotta move with the times.

    So I’ll refer to you ALL as guys. Each and every one of you guys are great posters and I will respect your right to call us all guys whatever anyone says.

    As for the gals…


    Shopping: I’m a girl, and usually refer to my campers (who are girls) as “guys” but i know some of my co-counselors learned not to at school, so i got nervous. But i think i got some reassurance 🙂

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