Is there a Drug Problem in the “Frum World”?

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    Wasn’t sure if the racism drives the denial or vice versa


    Joseph, I don’t think you’re in denial, I think you’re just trolling. You know full well that this is far from isolated cases in the yeshivish communities. You just use it as another excuse to attack MO communities.
    Once again, you disgust me.
    If the mods would allow it, I can name specific shuls which have excessive drinking. I just don’t think they’ll allow it.


    DA MOSHE where live every member in my shul has a shteller, so I guarantee u they’re not drinking anytime soon. Even om Purim they drink sprite or fanta instead of water that gets them drunk.


    Moderator-29 pls specify who that comment was directed to


    Modern Orthodox have more a drug problem than the Yeshivishe velt.


    Just like all problems, and all nations, we’re also affected by drug problems. in fact here in Monsey up until a few months ago, there was a very cute young man that would approach people around grocery stores looking for rock man is schnorring change, and it would make the appearance that he needed something to eat but I could see and smell an addict a mile away so I approached him once and I asked him hey kid do you want me to take you to a narcotics anonymous meeting ? and he’s like “if you give me money to buy my crack, maybe …….”

    so I was like shaefelah.. I can’t give you money to hurt yourself But if you’re hungry, I’ll buy you anything you want in this grocery store the kids or the guy died about nine weeks ago of an overdose. Very very sad. His name was Chaim.


    the question is not only prevalence in a community, but also whether it is addressed properly. In general, insular community tend to keep things under the rug and sometimes preventing treatment and making family members suffer.


    “Addiction is nondiscriminatory. It doesn’t care about your religion”

    Being Jewish is not merely subscribing to a religion. We are, in the words of the kuzari, a different beriah, a different level of creation above “medaber.”

    A jew doesn’t have the same problems or the same mentality as anyone else. Of course yidden can get addicted, but the way you’re describing it is, i hate to use the word again because it makes me sound “extreme,” close to apikorsus.

    Of course, of course. That’s why taavah, gaavah, kinah, and kaas are all unheard of among Jews
    and the heilige seforim tell us we don’t need to work on these at all. Jews don’t have any desire
    for ma’acholim tovim or other luxuries, either; any advertisements seen in frum publications for
    such things are only so that we can buy suitable gifts for non-Jews of our acquaintance.*

    *Only under the cirumstances in which one is allowed to give a gift to a non-Jew, of course.


    Random, learn the first perek of Tanya; it’s very helpful to understand the profound differences between jews and goyim. Of course we have bad middos – but the tayvah of a yid is not the same as that of a goy.


    Regardless of the differences, R Twersky Z’L highly recommended a goyishe 12-step program. Look in his books, he knew first hand about addictions both in Jewish and non-Jewish world.

    disclaimer – it’s not goyish


    Large datasets produce large outliers. People who are tasked with dealing with these outliers can sometimes fool themselves into thinking that their small sampling represents something more systemic.

    It’s always fun to call people naive and there’s hardly a good comeback for that. But that doesn’t make it true.

    Obviously we strive for 100%. Why not? But don’t make believe there is a systemic issue here when there isn’t. Beware of confirmation bias, too.


    > it’s not goyish

    the founders were very non-Jewish and they had some vague religious beliefs. They were not heimish or even MO, for sure.


    If America’s drug crisis was reduced to the level experienced in the frum community, America would be hailing the end of the crisis and a resounding victory in the war against drugs.


    whether or not there is or is not a problem, to make sure i dont go there and my kids dont go there, the solution is healthy parenting, correct and healthy relationship with Hashem thru learning chassidus. (proven and recognized by even goyim)
    instead of trying to block out drugs, and internet, become healthy people who don’t need to escape life


    As we in the Adar – again! – what is the brocha for edibles?


    אין זו מברך אלא מנאיץ


    “the founders were very non-Jewish and they had some vague religious beliefs. They were not heimish or even MO, for sure.”

    Very stupid comment, Sigmund Freud and Jonah Salk were not frum, Alexander Fleming and Louis Pasteur were not Jewish, so your stopping to take penicillin and Polio vaccines and drink only raw milk?


    Commonsaychel, are you sure you’re following the conversation?


    I am, and the 12 step comment is among the stupidest I am seen


    Common, good q. The difference is between things clearly supported by evidence and those where we need to partially rely on the authority and possibly, implicitly, on their view oftheworld. R Moshe makes this diyuk discussing psychiatric v psychological treatment.

    Pasteurization is clearly in the first group. Freud in the second.
    I rely on r Twersky that 12 steps work and give him credit for acknowledging i.

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