Is today Thanksgiving or something?

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    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    Wondering why the CR seems so quiet lately.


    Thursday is Thanksgiving. Today and tomorrow is when half the people are aggressively grocery shopping. Others are traveling.

    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    Hey, good to see you Lightbrite! I figured you would come on tonight – you usually do.

    People travel before Thanksgiving?? There were a couple of people who posted asking about Minyanim in random places, so I thought maybe Thansgiving was last Thursday and it was still Thansgiving weekend.

    People get off work before Thanksgiving? And what are people shopping for?


    Turkeys. Pumpkin pies. Potatoes and sweet potatoes/yams. Cranberries. Wine. Etc.

    Some people celebrate and others don’t. I don’t know how many frum people don’t celebrate Thanksgiving. Based on my Facebook feed and insider knowledge I know of at least four families who are enjoying the holiday.

    School and work is usually off on Thursday and Friday. Some leave early on Wednesday.

    A lot of people travel to spend the holiday with family. It’s not like in Israel where someone just drives from Haifa to Tel Aviv. Many people have to fly across the coast or country just to reunite with family (which brings in other stressors). Overall though it’s a nice opportunity to gather with mishpacha 🙂


    Business have turned the week of Thanksgiving into Black Friday Week.


    in yiddishkeit EVERY DAY IS THANKSGIVING

    may you come to appreciate everything Hashems gives you & thank him from your heart for it without the need to get EXTRA-like Leah imeinu with Yehuda-in order to thank Hashem. May you thank Hashem for every tiny gift Hashem gives us. From the food we eat to all the amazing technology created by hashem & sent down to the world through messengers etc…

    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    What does that mean – that there are sales all week?

    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    “School and work is usually off on Thursday and Friday. Some leave early on Wednesday.”

    The CR has been dead already for a few days. At least since Sunday, I think.


    I’ve been in court all week, because the courts will close Thursday and Friday for a long holiday, judges scheduled trials on Monday….a day usually reserved for conferences and opinion writing. Judge told us that court would end at 1PM today so that she could fly off to California to visit her children.

    Youngest daughter came home from college in NY noontime yesterday, her professors cancelled afternoon classes to get a jumpstart on the holiday. I sent a complaint to the college President…I’m paying approximately $150 for each classroom hour and I expect the classes to be taught, not have some lazy professor steal my money.

    Local public schools close at noon today for travel, private schools are closed.

    This is a far cry from when I was in school or university when he got Thanksgiving Day off, full day Wednesday and Friday.

    All this time off from school jus keeps contributing to the dumbing down of America


    Thanksgiving today has no religious significance, Its just a day where familes get together , eat turkey watch football and argue with Aunt Sadie and uncle fred whom you havent seen since last year. And you can leave once the meal is over and not see your hated relatives until next year


    CT, I agree wholeheartedly.


    Thanksgiving never was a religious holiday. That myth is always cited by people looking to justify not celebrating. The first national day of Thanksgiving was declared by the first Congress to meet under the new Constitution in the 1780’s to give thanks to G-d for the new Constitution. Southern Congressmen had objected to the declaration because it was something that European kings did. Roger Sherman of Connecticut argued that they were actually following the example of King Solomon, who thanked G-d for allowing him to build the Temple. The Southerners said they had no problem emulating Solomon and approved the declaration.

    While it is true that the local church instituted a Thanksgiving prayer, so did the Spanish and Portuguese synagogue, which was then located just down the street from Federal Hall, where Congress met.


    Some sales start before Thanksgiving. Some stores are open on Thanksgiving and/or start Black Friday on Thursday. Walmart is notorious for being open 24/7 all week long, including Thanksgiving.

    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    “Thanksgiving never was a religious holiday. That myth is always cited by people looking to justify not celebrating.”

    I have never heard anyone say that’s it’s a religious holiday and that it’s asur to celebrate.

    No one has a need to “justify not celebrating”. That would involve starting off with the assumption that we are supposed to celebrate because all the goyim in America do, and we are supposed to do what everyone else does.

    Yidden are not supposed to start off with any such assumption. It’s not a Jewish Holiday, so we don’t start off assuming we should celebrate it (even if it’s not religious).

    If someone celebrates Thanksgiving, it should be because THEY came up with a reason why they SHOULD be celebrating it, and not the other way around.

    L’maaseh, there are different shitas, and everyone has what to be somech on, so no one should be criticizing anyone else.


    LU, you’re new to the CR. This is the first year that I can recall that that debate didn’t come up.

    With regard to your other point, that being Jewish and an American are incompatible when it comes to American holidays. However, when it comes to Medicaid, school bussing and other benefits, our hands are out , shouting that we’re Americans, we are entitled, just like the goyim.


    “in yiddishkeit EVERY DAY IS THANKSGIVING”

    Mashiach Agent: Being grateful and giving thanks is great. Just slightly different than Thanksgiving, as the one day a year where business stops, family reunites, people eat lavishly, travel anticipates it’s arrival and come nightfall the day after, people start descending back to their regular lives.

    Is it just me, but…

    Thanksgiving is more like Shabbat or a Yom Tov than every day?


    The difference between Shabbos or Yom Tov and Thanksgiving is after the meal when everyone is getting cabin fever and sick of each other , you can go home.

    When the first family fight occurs right after kiddush on the first day of yom tov , you are all stuck together for the next 48 hours

    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    I can think of more important differences…


    “When the first family fight occurs right after kiddush on the first day of yom tov , you are all stuck together for the next 48 hours (zahavasdad). “

    !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Quote of the century lol

    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    lesschumras: “LU, you’re new to the CR. This is the first year that I can recall that that debate didn’t come up.”

    I’m wondering at what point I lose me newbie status…I thought I was here for a while, but everyone keeps telling me that I’m a newbie..

    Do I have to be here for every season and know about every possible fight that can come up in order not to be a newbie?

    It’s a good thing, I was here for elections. O/w, I’d probably be told that I have to be here for another 4 years so I can know about all the election arguments.

    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    Lesschumras, in terms of your second point:

    There is no connection. Whatever a Jew does, he does because he is a Jew. If he feels that he should take Medicaid, etc., it is because he decided that according to hashkafas HaTorah, it is appropriate to take Medicaid. He should NOT be doing it automatically just because it is what Americans do.

    And there may be Rabbanim who say that one shouldn’t take certain government benefits (I don’t know for a fact, but that is what I have heard). If someone follows a Rav who feels that way, then he shouldn’t. If someone’s Rav feels that he should, then he should. But whatever he does, he does as Jew who serves Hashem and follows the Torah and has no other considerations.

    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    “I can think of more important differences…” +1

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