Israeli War Criminal Netanyahu

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    @jackk Do you intend to come down as hard against Netanyahu for being an indicated war criminal by the International Criminal Court as you’ve come down against Putin?



    You know that is a ridiculous comparison and that I would never compare Netanyahu to Putin or Israel to Russia.


    Referring to Netanyahu as war criminal is MOTZI SHEM RA against an innocent man.
    That verdict was politically-motivated, to appease
    millions of murderous Muslims militants, and you know it.

    For your own benefit, please be careful with your words.
    G*D knows everything we say, and He is destined to judge every word we speak.


    The ICC is objective in the fact it has objectives.

    ready now

    Please remove this thread, thank you.


    Israel made a terrible mistake when it tried to play this stupid game. Israel should have come out of the gate much harder killing hundreds of thousands of Gazans in the first weeks of the war which would have forced the Gazans to leave or die. Israel was going to face international sanctions no matter what it did and as it turned out, Israel acted with the greatest restraints and still got blamed for genocide. In street-basketball, if the shooter is going to call foul no matter what you do, you make sure your foul is worth it and doesn’t allow the shot to be taken. The same is true here. If Israel would have done what was necessary, Israeli leaders would be facing the same exact ICC accusations but the war with the Arabs would have been finally over for good. Israel never misses an opportunity to miss an opportunity.


    Besalel, what you just said is EXACTLY what Rabbi Meir Kahane ZTL said
    in the 1980s. Not using the same words as you, but using the same logic.

    He said that the nations ALWAYS condemn Israel, no matter what Israel does,
    so Israel should destroy its enemies completely. He was 100% correct.


    Right now, there is an article on the Aish HaTorah website
    www dot aish dot com that defends Prime Minister Netanyahu.

    That article is:
    The International Criminal Court’s Obscene Accusations Against Israel
    by Dr. Yvette Alt Miller, 2024 May 22.

    Just one quick quote from that article:

    “Placing Israel’s democratically elected leaders
    on the same level as some of the worst human rights abusers
    and mass killers on the planet is outrageous.

    It’s as if Khan issued warrants for the arrest of both Osama bin Laden
    and President George W. Bush immediately after the Sept. 11 attacks.

    It’s like calling for the arrest of Adolf Hitler along with Winston Churchill.”


    “Israel made a terrible mistake when it tried to play this stupid game. Israel should have come out of the gate much harder
    killing hundreds of thousands of Gazans in the first weeks of the war which would have forced the Gazans to leave or die.”

    I don’t think deliberately killing non-combatants, particularly in large numbers, is something Israel’s leadership considers.
    And where would the Gazans go, anyway?


    Random: No one said deliberately target civilians. before the war started the estimates were that there were 40,000 Hamas and jihad soldiers. You target each one of them and if you collaterally destroy each soldiers 2 wives and 3 kids so be it. Do the math on that.


    Netanyahu is a war criminal for his years of criminal negligence and cultivating of Hamas and for failing to respond with decisive and lethal force after Oct. 7., He absolutely belongs in jail. At this point it really doesn’t matter which jail he goes to. The sooner the better. He is a Mega Narcissist who will do anything to stay in power no number of dead Jewish soldiers’ or civilians makes any difference to him.


    Rand0m3x said:

    “And where would the Gazans go, anyway?”


    Considering that the Gazans: voted for Hamas, worked for Hamas,
    supported Hamas, helped Hamas massacre Jews (including children),
    helped Hamas hold Jewish hostages, and were members of Hamas,
    I would that that the Gazans should all go straight down to HELL,
    which is exactly where they belong, and the sooner the better.

    If that is not possible, then the Gazans should be sent to
    northwestern China, where the Chinese government holds
    millions of Muslims as prisoners and slaves, and NOBODY
    complains about this, not even the Arabs or the Muslims!


    Duvidf said:

    “He is a Mega Narcissist who will do anything to stay in power…”


    That statement is true of almost every politician.


    Jackk is Hamas. No point in talking to him


    Has anyone noticed that the anouncement of the arrest warrants was merely the spokesperson asking the court for warrants?
    Afaik no warrants were issued.


    If Netanyahu has committed a crime, then where are the kosher witnesses?
    If Netanyahu has committed a crime, then where are the kosher judges?
    The so-called “International Criminal Court” has neither.



    Interesting that you commented something ridiculous in this thread showing you do not even read what I post , when this thread should really be directed at you.
    UJM should have asked you the question he asked me because you are one of the biggest haters of Netanyahu on YWN and I am sure that your hatred for him means that you would love to see him dragged before the ICC and thrown into prison as a war criminal.

    This is what you posted in October
    Netanyahu must resign as Hamas built up during his 12 years of leadership. Furthermore, he never stood up to or replaced the corrupt military and legal establishment so their failures are his failures.
    Netanyahu must be replaced now or thousands of soldiers lives will be lost for nothing, and the state will be in existential danger in short order. And the empty words – ‘never again’ will be shown to be empty words in a practical way.
    Netanyahu is chicken waste.


    Random: No one said deliberately target civilians. before the war started the estimates were that there were 40,000 Hamas and jihad
    soldiers. You target each one of them and if you collaterally destroy each soldiers 2 wives and 3 kids so be it. Do the math on that.

    I actually saw a video last week that seemed to be claiming Israel had actually attempted something along these lines, involving AI…

    (I do want to note, though, that “estimating the number of something in the tens of thousands”
    is very, very far from “knowing the location of each one of the tens of thousands of things.”)

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