Israels health care system

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  • #2034388

    They say the us health system isnt good, will that is sort
    Of true and sort of not, all though the yes health care is expensive
    It is very eficient, and i say that as a south african
    In israel they say they have a cheap sytem but its so ineficent
    That you have to wait days to see a doctor and if you need
    An operation up to years thats why you see international
    Funding on the chesed fund for sick isreilis because if you wait
    Youll die, that has led to 70 percent of israeilis purchaising
    Aditional health insurance source wikepedia so too sumarise
    Israels system is no beter than the usa and israelis and a third
    Of what americans do.


    Your post has no facts to back up your claims.
    I doubt you are a South African, as your English writing skills are so bad. You use no apostrophes, upper case letters where required, etc.
    “Israels system is no beter than the usa and israelis and a third
    Of what americans do.”
    I dare you to rewrite this into a sentence that can be comprehended by CR readers.


    I didnt write this my phone keeps editing it. Let me re write
    It, they say the usa health system is expensive
    But it is very eficient source denis prager,
    The isreilis health system is cheap but very ineficient
    You might need to wait days for a doctor or years for an
    Operation source times of israel
    There is ineternational funding for sick israelis
    Source the chesed fund israelis earn a third of what isreilis doo
    Source the jerusalem post

    Yabia Omer

    Israelis are healthier by most metrics and live longer than Americans.

    anonymous Jew

    CT, please don’t be condescending. His point is understandable. It’s not a newsflash to state that in kupat cholim, you get what you pay for. Like most government run health programs ( Medicare being a major exception ) costs are kept down by rationing care. The hospitals where I worked all had special all Included packages for elective surgeries ( i.e. knees, shoulders, hips, ) aimed at Canadiens looking at months long waits in Canada for arthroscopic or joint replacement elective surgeries.


    “I dare you to rewrite this into a sentence that can be comprehended by CR readers”.
    Be careful what you wish for!! We may have to read it again.
    Aside from coherence, there are virtually no really good ways of comparing public health systems on objective metrics such as access to and quality of care, availability of cutting edge drugs and protocols, net out of pocket costs to the patient and both short and long-term mortality/morbidity outcomes.

    Reb Eliezer

    Is this above a poem where every line is capitalized without periods at the end of the line?


    Reb E: Yes… take the first letter of each line, find the Hebrew letter equivalent and add them up (as in Gematria) which results in ???

    We have spent countless election cycles in the U.S. (and a lesser degree in EY) debating the pros/cons of a higher level government control of health care systems (aka socialized medicine), single payer systems, alternative forms of “universal coverage”, hybrid public/private systems etc. and still there is no consensus because each variant has benefits for certain demographics.


    If the Bernie and the progressives in DC have their way, the US would have a system similar to Israel’s.

    The US system is terrible, because there are too many people who are too poor to afford proper insurance and too “rich” to be eligible for the government sponsored insurance, so they get saddled with debt every time they get sick or hurt. The Israeli system isn’t perfect, like the long wait times for non-dangerous cases, but it’s a lot better than the US.


    I don’t think the US system is terrible or expensive.
    What is terrible is that insurance companies can’t sell policies across state lines.

    I have a Medicare Advantage Plan issued by Connecticare. It is only sold in and available to Connecticut residents. My premium is the same approx $144 per month as regular Medicare Parts A&B.

    I pay zero for visits to my primary physician. I pay $10 for specialists visits. I had two eye surgeries in September. I was responsible for a $100 co-pay to the Surgical center, ZERO to the anesthesiologist and $50 total to the eye surgeon.
    Every hospital in the state accepts the insurance. I have never called to make an appointment with a new specialist and been told he/she does not participate. So far in 2021 the insurance has paid out more than $35,000 and my out of pocket costs have been about $200.

    Shopping for and picking the correct plan is the key to better value.


    I think yabia is right in we need to compare final outcomes: longevity and overall health, although it includes many factors including food, education, lifestyle. We also need to compare similar populations. Fwiw, I think the Obamacare introduction coincided with first in long time reduction of lifespan in us, COVID beating that of course.

    I am happy to see ctlawyer in great health, as he can now see market policy as a solution! This is, for me, easy siman when considering new proposals – do they do obvious before spending another trillion


    It really depends on what metrics or capabilities we would be looking at.

    If it is GDP spend, total or ratio of insured vs the uninsured, available resources?

    For those with very complicated health problems, I don’t think we find many Americans going to Israel for more advanced care, vs Israelis that come to the USA for advanced treatments.

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