Ivy League Yeshivos

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    What are the Ivy League Yeshivos in your opinion?


    In what sense- hard to get into? Very good name?


    You are asking which ones have sports teams that play in the Ivy League with Harvard, Yale, Columbia, Penn, etc?


    Pfffft. That word is not allowed on ywn CR. Remember?


    If you mean yeshivos with leading academic standards, that would depend on one’s haskafa.


    Yes. It would definitely depend on your affiliation and what YOU value most in a Yeshiva. Well known doesn’t always mean best.


    Why is this so hard to understand.

    Ivy League is no longer limited to athletics, and now represents an educational philosophy inherent to the nation’s oldest schools.

    Ivy League became an adapted term for the cream-of-the-crop – ex. “the Ivy League of artists” etc.

    In other words, which yeshivos have the highest level of learning, brightest Bochurim, etc. This has little to do with affiliation.

    i.e., What are the Ivy League Yeshivos? (thank you very much for the lesson)


    You’re very welcome :D.


    Nobody has ever referred to the ivy league of artists.

    Daniel Rosen

    talmud: I think you are comparing what the goyim call IV League colleges with our yeshivos. I think that is unwise. A high level of learning in yeshiva is learning Torah lishma- sincerity of heart is the ikar. For Limud chol- a high level of learning is how smart you are. I think you are confusing “cream of the crop” with exclusivity and natural intelligence. Secular colleges have no concept of l’fum tzara agra. In yeshiva, the cream of the crop are those that try hardest. Are there different levels? Yes of course but that is not the ikar. Yes, there is a yeshiva near me that accepts only those that can learn on a certain level. But everyone knows that many of the kids there are only book smart and they go to college parties at night. That’s why you can’t compare yeshiva to college.

    Are you in an exclusive yeshiva “Talmud”? Are you the cream of the crop?

    PS: Everyone knows that the exclusive yeshiva I am referring to gives preferential treatment to people if they are rich or if their father has status in the community. I know this because I see this happen in my yeshiva at least several times a year. A yeshiva like Shor Yoshuv on the other hand is well known and respected for accepting most people while maintaining their standards. It is not one or the other.


    Yeshivas Rabbenu Yitzchok Elchonon

    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    This is a pointless thread.


    popa_bar_abba, i.e. “The King of Media”, ..but he doesn’t wear a crown?.. “The First Lady of talk radio” — is her husband the president or governor?..

    It is an adaptive form of literature. Take it or leave it.

    Daniel Rosen: I am not sitting at the Heavenly Court to question what the Ikar is. L’fum Tzara Agra is not limited to Torah, but rather applies to all aspects of life, including a non-Jew. So you take issue with the term ‘Ivy League Colleges’ when some people at Brooklyn College work even harder.

    What I mean is, in terms of exclusivity, what is the Ivy League of Yeshivos.

    Apart from personal issues you may have with some yeshivos, I’m just eliciting a reality that there are yeshivos exclusive to talmidim with a higher intelligence.


    You’re so full of it, dude.

    I agree. Totally pointless.

    Anyone heard any good songs lately? I’m bored…

    Daniel Rosen

    “L’fum Tzara Agra is not limited to Torah, but rather applies to all aspects of life, including a non-Jew.”

    No it doesn’t. In the eyes of secular society it has no or little bearing on people in secular universities.

    No one is buying it “Talmud”, I think everyone is maskim this is a pointless post that is indicative of geiva. What good can possibly come from this? All you are going to do is cause some young bochrim to either feel bad about staying at their “yeshiva for stupid people” or leave it and try to get into an “exclusive” one for no reason whatsoever.

    Daniel Rosen

    The main difference is that college is meant to achieve cold hard results. The Ivy League colleges are in theory going to produce better results. They will produce better doctors to heal people and better engineers to build buildings. That is why the term Ivy League is appropriate. The point of a yeshiva is not to produce cold hard results. It is meant to be mekayim a mitzvah. It is meant to allow people to fulfill their tafkid in life and achieve a personal relationship with Hashem.


    YCT of course.

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