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    Uh Oh. (another thought billowing)

    Gemarah says in order for Urim vTumim to work, the Kohen Gadol must have been worthy, imbued with Ruach haKodesh. We’re not dealing with the common day expression, we’re dealing in earnest, one that has real powers to effect the connection to HaShem through his process. Gemarah mentions one Kohen Gadol who was demoted from this job, he was not able to maintain his high standard, that of being able to have Ruach haKodesh. Obviously some elevated moral, spiritual plane is crucial.

    Yet we take note, that at the same time, it was possible for a Kohen Gadol to become jealous of an underling donning the same amount of priestly vestments. ???? ????.

    I don’t study human nature (I’m too busy here, posting away), it appears that the middah of jealousy, however minute and small, is close to impossible to eradicate completely.

    <End Thunk>


    True, it is part of human nature. But it can be controlled. And it certainly shouldn’t be acted upon. We can feel it, but we shouldn’t harm another person because of it (whether through speech or deed).


    ???? isnt fights? if it is,cud be like korach type

    if not i hear the raayah


    Korach is in every one of us. Korach is our ego that fights for honor and creates mahlokes.


    i kinda meant the fight moshe and aaron had with korach, which although korach wasnt lshem shmayim, they were fighting lshem shayim

    which cud be the aiva it talks about here

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