jets thursday night game

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    can we plz try to arrange a marriv by the thursday night jets game next week?


    Let’s daven behind the goal line at halftime. Can I have the amud?


    i’ll pass… actually with gino as a QB, i actually might have to pass

    ☕️coffee addict


    I heard on the radio Fitzpatrick is starting this week

    Btw I’m not a jets fan, however I like them more without Rex




    gives new meaning to 1st down ten to go


    Will Benny be there?

    You know, Benny Friedman. Who else would I be talking about on a forum for frum people? 😀


    how will anyone stare at those hideous new jerseys recently unveiled by nike for both the bills and jets, that will be worn thursday night.

    if you need a minyan for maariv, go to security and tell them you lost a small boy, his name is maariv service and ask them to page “maariv service please report to your party at…..” (this is not my idea, I read an article that someone who needed a minyan for mincha at a chargers game did just this, he went to security and told them he lost a child named mincha service and asked them to page mincha service please come to section x)

    ☕️coffee addict


    That guy is a self centered rasha

    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    That’s a bit extreme, no, CA?

    ☕️coffee addict

    No it’s not dy,

    It’s the same person that would cut in line for any “reason”, double parks his car so HE can daven, just because he wants to daven with a minyan he should inconvenience the security personnel?

    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    That is a very poor comparison.


    Calling security and saying a missing small boy does make you a Rasha, these places take missing children very seriously and might send out security people to find them and waste resources that could have been better used for real danger.

    Reminds me of a story I once heard, A guy was going from Teaneck to Washington Heights Friday afternoon and was delayed. Shabbos arrived and he was stuck on the George Washington Bridge and he pulled over and walked from there. The Port Authority police seeing an abandoned car on the middle of the bridge though it was a bridge jumper and sent out divers to find him (endagering their lives). he found this out when he tried to retrieve his car from the pound


    zahavasdad- that’s a crazy story.

    The fact is, calling someone a rasha for doing something like that is completely uncalled for. It might be a very selfish thing to do, and stem from bad midos, but a rasha? Give me a break.

    Let’s save the word rasha for people who really deserve it.


    If the Mods allow , here is a link from torah, org for the GW Bridge Story and proof I did not make it up as some might claim

    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    That story is a Moshol and likely never happened, but that’s besides the point. The comparison is still very poor.


    It sounds like a believable story… but the conclusion drawn seems erroneous to me.

    What was the guy supposed to have done?

    ☕️coffee addict

    Rishus comes from being self centered, inconveniencing a lot of people just so YOU could daven with a minyan, which is a dirabonon at best is very self centered

    ☕️coffee addict

    And dy please explain how it’s a poor comparison

    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    Because the level of inconvenience isn’t comparable.


    I think that we have a very different definition of “rishus.”

    Someone who has bad midos is not automatically categorized as a rasha. Being self-centered is a very bad midah, but it doesn’t make a person a rasha!

    ☕️coffee addict

    I understand I might be being too extreme, however to answer technical, the mishnah in pirkei avos says arba’ah MIDOS b’adam and calls one a rasha, it is through a person’s midos that one is seen as a rasha or a tzadik

    please correct me if i’m wrong

    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    please correct me if i’m wrong

    You’re wrong.


    You’re right, it’s very technical… I could give you a technical answer, too, but then we’d just argue over it nonstop.

    Point is, it is too harsh to call someone a ??? for that particular action. If every person who does something self-centered is a ???, then we’ve got an awful lot of ????? running around!


    we’ve got an awful lot of ????? running around!

    Gehenom is big enough for them all!

    [Attn ZD: I know you took that seriously. Thus note I was joking.]

    ☕️coffee addict


    That’s not correcting me


    I hear your point, I can’t judge a person based off one thing however I feel very uncomfortable with that type of person, even though everyone has times where they do stupid self centered things

    ☕️coffee addict

    I want to ask the oilam what’s your definition of a rasha, what makes a person a rasha?

    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    Well, I tried telling you why you’re wrong, but that didn’t work.


    Why is it people are willing to belive some far fetched story , but are unwilling to belive a story that similar facts have happend to most (travelling close to shabbos and getting stuck). I have heard stories of people travelling to Far rockaway getting off the Subway in Brooklyn and walking, so the GW bridge is certainly beliveable since it is likely it happend

    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    Just because something could have happened doesn’t mean we should assume it did, when nobody is actually claiming that it did. It’s really beside the point, anyhow.


    I have personally been in a close situtation like that (not on a bridge) and Ive had immediate relatives invovle in a similar situation involving a downed power wire and it involved a somewhat sick person and a 3rd invovling a family Rabbi who was stuck on the BQE for hours and couldnt get on or off due to some oil spill. its very beliveable especially since some people can get careless sometimes (The situations I was invovled with did invovled carelessness, but rather events beyond any sane persons control)


    CA you are wrong and rather judgemental. He asked security to make an announcement not send searching parties. If you belie e that’s rishus I’m sure glad i don’t know you or have to live with you. I. Fact I’d suggest your attitude is nothing short of self centereness.


    Just because they made an annoucment doesnt mean they were not also pondering a search party, its what security does especially for lost children


    The Mincha announcement might work once or twice, but after a time or two security will be suspicious about this boy Mincha getting lost every week or so with a different parent always looking for him.


    Joseph FYI i have a thicker skin than most realize, I rarely if ever take anything personally


    Nobody rushes to send out search parties especially if no description can be given of the boy. The way the announcement was worded the boy wasn’t even asked to come to the security booth but to a given spot, so Security wouldn’t even know when he was found.

    I agree it’s a bad idea but let’s be realistic.

    🍫Syag Lchochma

    I’m with coffee on this one. And the fact that some of you are brushing this off without being disturbed by the sheker and geneivas daas issues is both horrifying to me and says a lot about how you live your lives.

    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    I agree it’s a bad idea but let’s be realistic.

    Precisely. Not everything that’s wrong is rish’us

    Syag, that is awfully judgemental of you.


    Syag- I take offense at that. All I’m saying is that it’s not rishus! Saying that someone is a rasha is very extreme. We call Hitler and Stalin resha’im; we should be careful about who else we put into that category.

    I think that it’s very passive-aggressive to use this to cast doubt on the way people here live their lives. All this thread is saying is that people have a little bit more of an ability to see shades of gray in people, instead of labeling them as all bad because of one action.

    🍫Syag Lchochma

    Absolutely. Being aware of dispicable middos is one way to keep yourself from being accustomed to them. Distancing oneself from sheker is a torah obligation, sorry you seem to find that a problem. I find that horrifying as well.

    🍫Syag Lchochma

    Technical-feel free. My comment wasn’t about labeling people, it was about thinking there is nothing wrong with that behavior and saying he is overreacting. Whether or not his choice of wording was correct, the idea of seeing nothing wrong with this type of thing is really awful. My husband would never try a trick like that because it is a lie, and it may possibly alert security unnecessarily. My friends wouldn’t do it either, and if one of my kids did I would be terribly disappointed. And my point it NOT that I am virtuous, it is that it is really wrong, and not noticing it for what it is is a huge problem these days.

    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    My comment wasn’t about labeling people

    Your comment assumed that anyone who commented here isn’t disturbed by the dishonesty, and that they must lead lives of shaker. I’m sorry you don’t have a problem with making false and offensive assumptions.

    Avram in MD

    coffee addict,

    That guy is a self centered rasha

    I found the story to be very funny, but in the context that I don’t believe it actually happened. If it did happen in real life, I would think the person would also believe that he was being “funny”, and not really cognizant of the consequences or maliciously deceitful. So thoughtless, yes. Stupid? Yes. Self centered? Probably. But a rasha? I doubt it.

    Avram in MD


    Reminds me of a story I once heard, A guy was going from Teaneck to Washington Heights Friday afternoon and was delayed. Shabbos arrived and he was stuck on the George Washington Bridge and he pulled over and walked from there. The Port Authority police seeing an abandoned car on the middle of the bridge though it was a bridge jumper and sent out divers to find him (endagering their lives). he found this out when he tried to retrieve his car from the pound

    Do you believe the man in this story was also a rasha?

    🍫Syag Lchochma

    If even half the things you attribute to me were actually what I said or meant I would not only be distraught but shocked.

    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    They are what you said. They’re right there, black and white in your posts. If you feel so strongly about the middah of honesty, you should admit your error instead of compounding it.

    I don’t know what you meant, though; that’s true.

    🍫Syag Lchochma

    That had got to be one of the most ironic posts you have ever written.

    Avram in MD

    Syag Lchochma,

    And the fact that some of you are brushing this off without being disturbed by the sheker and geneivas daas issues is both horrifying to me and says a lot about how you live your lives. [emphasis mine]

    What does it say, and what do you mean?

    🍫Syag Lchochma

    Why thank you for asking! It says that sometimes we live our lives without noticing the avak sheker in some of the things we do or hear others say they did.

    Along the same lines of telling cashiers your 13 year old is 12, buying air conditioners with the intent of returning them etc. lots of things that people seem to feel comfortable re telling without feeling horrified by the sheker involved.

    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    So you’re saying that someone who didn’t post an objection to this on the grounds of shaker would probably also engage in actual theft?

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