jobs near Deal or lakewood area…

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee jobs near Deal or lakewood area…

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  • #603325

    Hi I am male, 20, from Deal, Nj and I am working a few days a week for an electronics company doing customer service. I get paid by the hour about ten bucks. The office I work for is in Monroe Township, NJ it is about a fifty minute drive from my house. Does anyone know of any jobs that are closer to the Deal area than this job that I would be able to work? If there is potential that is a plus. Please let me know. I would rather not drive about an hour. I start work at 9AM so I gotta leave at 8AM and it’s a hassle. ANy suggestions??


    How long is the drive from Deal to Lakewood?


    My suggestion would be to check out the Lakewood Scoop (website) classified section and also get on the mailing list for the BP Weekly (call BP Graphics).

    Lakewood is 40 minutes from Deal, sometimes 30 depending on traffic and where you live.

    Good Luck.


    the goqLakewood is a twenty minute drive from Deal.

    KollelWife: ty i will check those sources.

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