Kashrus/Mashgiach/Delivery question

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    Ok,so I’m at a red light this morning,and double parked on my right is a large ‘bakery supplies’ truck that is unloading its delivery to a bakery/grocery/fruit store in my area. I see boxes of eggs,cream cheese and one of the men carrying a very large,industrial-size bag of flour. It had to be like 50 or 75 pounds. But then he saw it was open on the top so he and another guy got a roll of wide brown tape and began taping it together.

    Is this allowed,in terms of hashgocho? Shouldnt the mashgiach be told about this? There was nobody watching this delivery take place. I’m wondering if the place is still ok to eat from.

    Any thoughts?

    always here

    if it was meat, it’d be a problem.

    if it’s flour for Pesach, it’s a problem.

    if it’s only plain flour, it shouldn’t be a problem.

    if the mashgiach is worth his salt, he’d notice the torn, re-taped bag once he sees the deliveries inside.


    Plain flour does not really need a hechsher, as long as there are no shmitta/T&M issues.



    I am more worried about what might have gotten INTO that sack of flour. What extra “protein” might have crawled into it? Yuck. I think someone should be told.


    I’m worried about pebbles and other stuff that may have gotten into the bag. Is there an issue of flour or eggs shenisalem min hayain?


    Most likely the flour did not have a Hashgacha to begin with.

    Do you check for Hashgacha on flour?


    Bakeries with hashgacha sift their flour in industrial sized fine electric sifters.


    The bag could have ripped when they lifted it and they put it back down. They could have told them inside what happened and this is what they were told to do rather than have one bag short till the next delivery. Obviously if the bag was ripped for a long time, there would be spillage in the truck and the bag would not be full and therefore they could not charge the full price for the bag, therefore there would be a discussion about it. They couldn’t just sneak it in.

    We really need to be dan l’kaf zchus in all areas of our life and stop looking for the wrong and the bad in every situation. WE can think of so many scenarios when we come upon a situation but we really are just letting our imagination take control. WE really don’t know what truly happened.

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