I just wanted to bring something to people’s attention:
A new health product has recently become popular and I think some people may be missing a kashrus issue.
The product is known as Bovine collagen, which is collagen made from cows, more specifically cow hides.
The hashgacha on the one I saw is OU.
This is not to knock the OU at all, I just want to be me’oirer to people that are generally not somech on the OU for meat, that the same issues are present in this product as well.
I don’t know specifics, but the general idea is lower standards i.e. reliance on kulos in shechita, melicha etc.
Being that this product comes from cows, it requires the same level of hashgacha as meat itself.
(Unless someone is taking it for real health concerns, not just additional health benefits)
There’s never a black and white in the kashrus industry, but some hashgachos are known to uphold higher standards than others.