Lashon Hara vs. the Big Three

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    If Lashon Hara is equal to the sins of idolatry, prohibited relationships, and murder, is it possible to do tshuva for it? For any of them? How do we know if we’ve done enough tshuva? Do we get a less severe type of kares if we do tshuva, or is it even possible to escape kares by doing tshuva? (Please translate anything you write that’s not in English.)


    Your making too many hanachos (assumptions).


    You can do teshuva for any sin, including the “Big Three.” The components of teshuva for those sins are the same as for any other:

    1. Regret (and asking forgiveness where applicable)

    2. Confession

    3. Change

    The Wolf


    If Bad Speech is equal to the sins of idolatry, prohibited relationships, and murder, is it possible to do repentance for it? For any of them? How do we know if we’ve done enough repentance? Do we get a less severe type of cutting off of the soul if we do repentance or is it even possible to escape cutting off of the soul by doing repentance? (sic) chee chee


    A posek has to be fluent in all languages! Did a good job!


    real brisker: such as?

    PBA: chee chee?


    I translated all your hebrew into english. Because you said we should translate all of ours.


    Could you translate chee chee?


    The challenge with slander is that we don’t realize the enormity of it. Additionally, its something that can be don many many times in one conversation, certainly every day. Whereas other sins, at least the person fells guilty. Here they fell good and righteous about it.

    The worst part is when this evil has permeated ones soul and they choose to joke about these things.


    Wolf and TBT: Thank you for taking my question seriously.

    PBA: My Hebrew is very limited beyond what I posted.


    It might be likened to “the big three” in some way, but you shouldn’t take it all the way. Many Maamarei Chazal are meant in a certain context and should not be taken out of that. You’ll find yourself with alot of Kaashyos if you do that.

    Although Lashon Hara invokes Hashem’s rath and a Lashon Hara group is not Mekabel the Sh’china, It still isn’t one of the “big three”.

    As far as Teshuva, as others have written you can do Teshuva on anything. Also, a chronic gossiper would have a hard time recifying his misdeeds, because he can’t trace every person he ever spoke about.


    Could you translate chee chee?

    I don’t know. Google Translate translated it as “chee chee”.

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