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    Will any of Trump’s followers leave him after his “President for life” comment?


    Of course not.


    It would be wonderful to have Donald Trump as President for life.


    “It would be wonderful to have Donald Trump as President for life”…

    Sorry typo…Little Joey meant to say that “It would be wonderful to have Donald Trump sentenced for life…” Sadly, probably won’t happen since the dummy would try to pardon himself if indicted and the judge would likely find him unable to assist in his own defense at trial for reasons becoming increasingly obvious. Fortunately, we have the 25th Amendment.


    Silly democrats, you still get worked up about everything trump says


    GH: And what about Barack and Hilary sentenced for every illegal activity they did?


    @Joseph, Why don’t you move to China where you can have Xi Jinping for life?

    Silly Republicans, you get worked up over everything Hillary or Obama says, to this day. And since when does anyone get worked up?

    You claim they did illegal things? Name it! For some reason, she’s been under a microscope for 20 years, he’s been under one for 10, and these Republican Congresses couldn’t find something to indict either of them on. Doesn’t that say something?!



    No actually, I don’t care what Hillary or obama says, especially since they’re not in the Oval Office


    Since iacisrmma is resorting to whataboutism, here’s one: What would Republicans have said if Obama had made a similar remark? I’d guess they’d be preparing to impeach.


    @coffeeaddict So why are you saying that Dems get worked up over anything Trump says? You need to be able to criticize someone who you support!


    It seems our Fearless Leader said this at the Gridiron affair, which is a dinner where the speakers are expected to make jokes. Actually, from what I see Mr. Trump isn’t enjoying himself all that much being president, although he had a great time campaigning. In fact, he’s already having 2020 campaign rallies, because he likes them. I don’t like Mr. Trump’s style and wish someone would put an editor on both his mouth and his Twitter finger, but I don’t think we need to worry about him trying to become King Donald the 1st. It was all pretty obviously a joke.

    As I said, I don’t like his attitude or most of his policies, but I think in this case we should cut the guy some slack, and take it as the joke it was meant to be.


    That was just Donald being Donald obviously a joke.



    I was figuring he said it there but I wasn’t sure.


    Have you criticized obama?


    @coffeeaddict, yes, plenty of times. I have my disagreements with him. I did not vote for him in either primary.


    Compared to some of the things The Donald has said, this was pretty mild, and he said it at a humorous affair. The problem is when he tweets controversial stuff at five in the morning before telling his staff that he’s changing his policy. I’m an old fuddy-duddy who grew up with Eisenhower in the White House, and I sort of expect the President to think a little bit before announcing some major policy change.


    What does either primary mean, he only had one primary

    And I didn’t vote for trump in the primary either but that doesn’t mean anything but to leave trump because he said something you might disagree will th is rather foolish, do not you think?


    The comment was not made at the Gridiron Dinner. It was made at a donor affair at Mar-a-Lago. The audience laughed, so they took it as a joke. The real problem is that Trump seemed to support Xi’s power grab. Given his admiration for autocrats like Putin, Duterte, and Erdogan, that’s not too surprising.


    shmerel: murder of Vince Foster, BenGhazi, Fast and Furious, deleted e-mails, just to name a few. The fact that they weren’t indicted is not that they weren’t guilty but were protected by those in power.


    Yehudayon, I stand corrected. But still, it was taken as a joke. Nevertheless, it’s a window into his mindset, and he really does have a problem with admiring dictators, even crass ones like Duterte. When I was young no Republican would be caught dead saying nice things about a Russian dictator. But in those days, red was the color of communism. Now our Republican President makes nice to Putin and conservative states are colored red on the electoral map. (Sigh.)


    @Midwest2, is the “fearless leader” remark sarcastic? Remember, Cadet Bone Spurs is not fearless.
    And this was not at the Gridiron dinner. It was at a private event with donors, earlier that night.

    , Why aren’t they indicted now, after decade/s of investigation? Because there are no charges.


    @coffeeaddict, either primary means 2008 and 2012.


    chiefshmerel -“Why aren’t they indicted now, after decade/s of investigation? Because there are no charges”

    WRONG! Because the AG is too PC to bring them!
    That’s what happens when Trump picked a guy who was from Congress.


    iaciscrmma: Has it occurred to you that you may be wrong in your belief that Obama and Hillary committed crimes for which they can be prosecuted? If they were prosecutable, wouldn’t Trump/Sessions have started the process?

    Let me emphasize: I am a Democrat, and I utterly dislike Hillary. If there were a legitimate case against her, I would welcome her prosecution. But of all the people chanting “Lock her up”, there is not one among them who can explain what charges can be brought against her. I sincerely would like someone to explain why Hillary needs to be prosecuted. I don’t like her, but that is not enough.


    If we banned politicians for having a bad sense of humor, who would run the government? And at least Trump doesn’t take his bad jokes seriously, unlikely some previous presidents who tried to have enacted into law.


    Yes. I and a lot of people I know who supported Trump are done with him, having left his group of supporters at various times in reaction to various dumb comments. Trump has some great policies, but he needs to learn to be quiet and stop spewing this garbage.


    huju – “But of all the people chanting “Lock her up”, there is not one among them who can explain what charges can be brought against her. I sincerely would like someone to explain why Hillary needs to be prosecuted.”

    Let me tell you something – Hillary was on the Watergate commission. Did she learn anything from Watergate? You bet she did – she learned that if you break the law – just make sure you don’t get caught! BTW, she was thrown off the commission because of corruption.
    Since then there wasn’t any poliitician that’s been as corrupt as Bill & Hillary!

    Just to answer your question – she broke the law lots of times. I’ll give one example:
    From the Atlantic online – While she was Secretary of State – she sent emails to her daughter Chelesa, that was later classified as classified material!



    Obama wasn’t opposed in 2012

    Anyways as I stated above you don’t have to agree with everything the man says or does to vote for him

    I sincerely would like someone to explain why Hillary needs to be prosecuted. I don’t like her, but that is not enough.

    Hillary needs to be prosecuted for deleting classified information when there was a warrant for them

    What is Hillary trying to hide that she couldn’t just hand over emails about “yoga”


    @Health, political correctness does not exist. It’s a term used by low-lives to put down something basic called manners. And for some reason, they don’t seem so happy being on the receiving end of “political incorrectness”. Jeff Sessions is not afraid of anything but ruining his career. It happened with Trey Gowdy, he doesn’t want it happening to him.
    Regarding yoru second comment, I read about the emails she sent Chelsea. They were unclassified information about climate talks. No crime here.

    Read the WikiLeaks. The emails WERE released.


    to health: you have told me very little. There was no “Watergate commission.” She was a junior lawyer in the Justice Department that investigated Watergate. And she learned that if you deny, deny, deny, and don’t tape yourself, you have a good chance of beating the raps. As for the e-mails to Chelsea, why has she not been prosecuted by Sessions/Trump? It might be that the e-mails were not classified when she sent them. Where did you get the information about these e-mails?


    Chiefshmerel -“political correctness does not exist. It’s a term used by low-lives to put down something basic called manners.”

    Unfortunately your ignorance is blatant.
    What happened to your other SN?
    You’re a long time poster!
    I’ll give you an example, because I’m a nice guy.
    Calling a black person an African American is an example of PC!
    It’s Not a lack of manners to call them black; just like I’m not offended when I’m s/o calls me a white person!


    Ubiq -“It might be that the e-mails were not classified when she sent them. Where did you get the information about these e-mails?”

    From the Atlantic online:
    “the bigger problem is the revelation that dozens of email chains contained information that was classified at some level. In one case, Clinton forwarded information to her daughter, Chelsea Clinton, that while not marked classified at the time, is now considered to be”

    Are you telling me that the Secretary of State, which is a member of the cabinet, didn’t know it would eventually become classified information?!?


    It wasn’t just a joke. It was his way of TROLLING the media. Make their heads explode. Tingle their pressure points. BINGO! IT ALWAYS WORKS


    African-American is not the same as black.


    Yidd23 -“African-American is not the same as black.”

    What are you talking about? You’re Not being coherent!
    A black person is called African-American in the PC World!


    A black person is called African-American in the PC World!

    The new PC term seems to be “people of color”. But “colored people” is a completely different, offensive term. It’s a not-so-subtle means of thought control.


    Health, have you ever noticed how there are few African Americans in Europe, even in the most diverse and liberal countries?


    “People of color” doesn’t mean precisely the same thing as “black people”.


    Yidd23 – “Health, have you ever noticed how there are few African Americans in Europe, even in the most diverse and liberal countries?”

    That’s because they – “Talk the Talk, but DON’T Walk the Walk!”


    1. If you call someone a name they don’t like, you don’t have manners.
    2. How was HRC to know that it would be classified who know’s how long later?


    chiefshmerel -“1. If you call someone a name they don’t like, you don’t have manners.”

    Not in the case where the group keep changing their mind to what they want to be called.
    It has nothing to do with manners, just PC!

    “2. How was HRC to know that it would be classified who know’s how long later”

    Look – I don’t know the rules how they classify infomation, but I’m sure the SoS does. Just because they didn’t classify it as classified at the time she sent it – she knew that they would!


    1. They don’t keep changing their name. They’ve been identifying as African-Americans since the late 1860s.

    2. I don’t either know how information is classified. But please explain how it’s possible to know in advance that something will become classified.


    chiefshmerel -“1. They don’t keep changing their name. They’ve been identifying as African-Americans since the late 1860s”

    Why do you keep lying or manipulating?
    The first usage of African-American was in the 1700’s.
    It was popularized by J. Jackson!
    “In a meeting with J. Jacskson in 1988 – “After lunch, unexpectedly, the late C. Delores Tucker (best known for taking on rap music and Tupac Shakur) stood up and made a highly passionate argument for the use of “African-American” as opposed to black.”

    ” I don’t either know how information is classified. But please explain how it’s possible to know in advance that something will become classified.”

    I’m sure that the SoS knows what is to become classified, even though you don’t!
    That is like saying s/o hired a secretary to do work, but she doesn’t know how to type or answer phones!

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