Lets All Make Non-Nasty Comments About Other Posters!

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    If there are no non-nasty comments about someone, they can’t make threads of them!


    I I I enj–

    forget it. Too hard.


    Some of PAA’s comments are tolerable.


    That’s good, pba.


    Little Froggie’s posts always make me chuckle. I’m happy you’re here, Little Froggie. 🙂

    Getzel1, in my humble opinion, is the king of the Jokes thread. I read through about 29 pages of it in 3 sittings, and laughed so hard, people began staring!

    I enjoyed how nfgo3 got some of my references to old-fashioned stuff that folks in my generation don’t ordinarily know or care about. 😀

    Oomis truly sounds like the best bubby ever! She is so sweet. 🙂

    Write or Wrong, I think you are incredibly stoic.

    One of Many has an awesome-looking subtitle. (But if I may ask, who is Nymphadora?)

    And PBA, I am happy that a certain accolade alluding to mental health is not currently part of your subtitle, because it simply isn’t accurate. I think you’re a cool person with a good sense of humor, even if I only get it 85% of the time.


    For the Coffee Room, funny and sweet when you want to be

    Patur Aval Assur

    “Some of PAA’s comments are tolerable.”

    Such as…


    Rebyidd: Meh. Boring thread.

    PBA: Meh. Disagree.

    PAA: Meh. That one.

    Sam2: Meh. You were Soseir yourself.


    This one:

    “Some of PAA’s comments are tolerable.”

    Such as…




    Thanks! (how did I make it in?)

    Patur Aval Assur

    By the way Sam2 what does “meh” mean? I meant to ask you when you said it in the aruch hashulchan thread but I never got around to it.


    PAA: It’s a dismissive. Apparently there is debate whether the origin was a Simpsons episode or a random internet chat room about some TV series (don’t remember what). Either way, though, I like it.

    From dictionary.com

    meh [me]





    unimpressive; boring: The first few songs were meh.


    bored or apathetic: I’m feeling a little meh.


    1990-95; popularized on the TV show The Simpsons


    PAA, no Rishon uses it? Maybe someone in a failed Kuntres project used it.



    Meh is an interjection used as an expression of indifference or boredom. It may also mean “be it as it may”. It is often regarded as a verbal shrug of the shoulders. The use of the term “meh” shows that the speaker is apathetic, uninterested, or indifferent to the question or subject at hand. It is occasionally used as an adjective, meaning something is mediocre or unremarkable.


    Some have speculated that the term’s origin is Yiddish because of its similarity to the interjection. “feh”,[1]



    i remember that, Meh

    by the way, it’s interesting how we can be so many things in different threads, like rude, then funny, then nice and encouraging.

    Gives you a picture of the whole person


    @Little Froggie – By being awesome. ^_^


    I can’t believe, no one mentioned me!!!!!!!!!

    I like, am the queen of the CR…


    Bookworm, thank you, that made my day!

    I think that nearly everyone who posts here, is well-intentioned, and not mean-spirited, even when they are being ascerbic (NOT directing this at anyone with initials PBA)…

    We are an eclectic community with a diversity of opinion, and that sometimes leads to a little negativity in response by some, but for the most part, I think we are a caring group of friends who have (mostly) never met each other, except on this blog, and for us to continue to have been part of that same community for several years (certainly so in my case), says something very positive to me. I have seen many of us being helpful to others, worried about their nisyonos, davening for each other, lending a virtual shoulder to cry on, and sometimes, getting tough when tough is what was needed.

    We may disagree (if we can do so without being disagreeable, that is so much better), but at the end of the day (my new favorite overused expression), we are all Klal Yisroel. May we be zochim to see Moshiach b’yameinu.


    @Shopping – I was only getting started. 🙂 I have plenty more compliments coming up soon!

    – You’re very welcome. 🙂

    I get a lot of chizuk from the-art-of-moi’s posts. 🙂

    And Shopping613, your posts make me smile! I think it’s cool that you organize member lists and head a club here on the CR.

    Wallflower has a perky subtitle, too. 😉

    I think LAB is quite creative and I enjoyed the videos his yeshiva produced for Purim.

    The Goq, your posts are insightful and I enjoy hearing your perspective on a lot of things. Goq, you roq!

    YW Moderator 007 (and all the Moderators here for that matter) has a job to do and does it well. 😉

    And yungermanS, I commend you for being zealous in encouraging others to be on a righteous path.


    oomis, beautiful and Amen! You really bring a special light to the CR! I am jealous of your grandchildren that they got The Best Bubby ever!



    SIDI – wow, 2 for 2 today. I am blushing. Thank you for the VERY kind words. (Don’t be jealous of my grandchildren – I’m not as perfect as I look, though I AM quite humble)…


    Thank you so much bookworm just for that I’m cancelling my fishing trip!


    and Bookworm120

    Thank you again.

    (it’s like saying hello/ good morning to someone in the street. It shows someone is thinking of him/her)

    But again, I fail to note anything I have done or written here lately. I’m more or less fluffed out. (in a general sense, IRL too)


    Froggie, THAT does not sound so good. What’s going on?


    Thanks, Bookworm 🙂


    DikDukDuck is the best.

    Oh, and you guys are cool.


    Oomis. Thanks for your concern (Oomis as usual!!)

    It’s just a few things that have gotten to me lately, plus the frightening matzav of Eretz Yisroel, our period pf mourning etc. have taken the fluff out of my otherwise (not so wise) self.

    Hope to be back, both IRL and here too (Mod & Great Grand Editor willing) with a more cheery, chirpy mood.


    Little Froggie, we cannot always be happy all the time. I am delighted to settle for real happiness MUCH of the time. The rest, I guess, we have to work on to let the bad stuff not keep us down. Sometimes, it is extremely challenging (like the matzav in E”Y, and/or personal tragedies), but if it is a case of the “blahs,” hang in there, and know that gam zeh ya’avor. If we wake up in the morning and get out of bed and are able to go about our business -that’s a major bracha. Even when life is un-fluffy, there are moments that make it worthwhile.

    My husband is having surgery a week from today I”YH, for one of three serious medical conditions he is experiencing. My friend’s great-nephew was one of the soldiers killed in Gaza recently. A teenage girl for whom I was saying Tehillim – a stranger to me – was unfortunately nifteres last month after a courageous battle, and though I did not know her personally, I feel a portion of her mother’s anguish, as I also share with the mothers and fathers of the three korbonos for whom we davened for 18 days, not knowing they were already dead.

    So much sadness floats around us, so much fear and anxiety of what is and what will be. But there are also moments of clarity and simcha. I look at my 2 year old grandson every morning and cannot possibly be sad in his presence. He has taught me more about simchas hachayim than anything else around me. And I thank Hashem for all the good things in my life, even as I recognize that there are some challenges which we all face, as well. So much better to be an optimist, would you not agree?

    So I hope that whatever it is that you are experiencing that is negatively affecting you, will be gone quickly, and that we all merit to see the true simcha of Tisha B’Av even this year. I won’t say cheer up, because that is easy for me to do from where I sit typing, but I hope you yourself will feel the good cheer returning in short order.


    Oomis: Beautiful!

    I can’t that no one mentioned Sam2. Sam2 has an astounding abundance of halachic knowledge, as well as being extremely nice and respectful of other’s opinions. I can only hope to someday live up to that.


    Thank you, Oomis!!

    I’m not saying I’m completely down, only….

    Still I’ll have your beautiful piece in mind. And “the husband of Oomis” too.


    Many thanks, have a good, peaceful Shabbos, and may we celebrate this coming Tisha B’Av as the yom tov it was meant to be.

    Shout out to Sam 2 also. You were quite right, Ivdu!


    Oomis, may I know your husband’s Hebrew name so we can daven for his refuah sheleimah?

    @IvduEsHashemBsimcha – Ditto! I’ve been meaning to compose some praise for Sam too (no pun intended). 🙂


    He is Yaakov Avraham ben Michleh. Thank you, Bookworm. I appreciate your thoughtfulness.



    One of Many has an awesome-looking subtitle. (But if I may ask, who is Nymphadora?)

    Presumably, that’s a reference to the Harry Potter character Nymphadora Tonks. Morgul-blades are found in the Lord of the Rings universe. And OOM was also the founder of the CR Discworlders Club. Hmm…

    Whatever happened to her, anyway?


    @Randomex – Thanks! I never read Harry Potter. 😛


    @oomis – Is there any update to Yaakov Avraham ben Michleh’s condition?


    Read the first two Harry Potter books.


    Thank you for asking about my husband, Bookworm. He is experiencing some very unpleasant side effects from his treatment, but you would never know from his demeanor or cheerful attitude that anything is wrong with him, if you did not know how sick he is. His stock answer (and he means it) to inquiries about his health, is “Boruch Hashem yom yom.” he has been through three separate major surgeries (none related to each other) in the last couple of months, and (B”H) the first two conditions were only discovered as a sidebar, while he was undergoing testing for the third condition.

    I wish I could say he is completely well, and BE”H, will someday say that, but for now, it is another challenge for him to overcome, and for us to be supportive and daven for him. I appreciate your concern, very much.

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