Letter to Chasson

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    anybody have any idea what ur supposed to write to my chasson in letters?? and what do i write in the last letter before the wedding?? HELP Me need to write letters!!

    and any ideas what gift to give him on the last time????


    Tell him how much you like him and all that. You’re a girl you should know how to do this stuff lol.


    anybody have any idea what ur supposed to write to my chasson

    I don’t think I should be writing anything to your chosson.

    For real though – regardless of what you write, he might appreciate it more if you brushed up your spelling and grammar, not to mention structure and punctuation.

    Mazel tov!


    Just write from the heart, and tell him how you cannot wait to be his wife and begin building your bayis ne’eman b’Yisroel together. Gift-wise, you’re on your own. My gift to my husband was me.No returns with or without receipt. 🙂


    If you want to give him a gift in the yichud room, give him a watch or cufflinks with a personalized engraving on them.


    The good news is that you are definitely very excited


    Dear Chasson,

    I was not sure what to write to you so I thought – with this being the most special day in our lifelong bonding, and all- that i should have strangers from the forum at yeshiva world write it for me. they said i should tell you i like you but truth be told i am not sure i even know what that means. i know i like liking you and like even better you liking me. they said i should tell you how much i cant wait to be your wife but i guess i dont really know what that is going to be like either. no one truly does on their wedding day. so thats pretty much it, i guess.



    p.s. call misaskim hotline 24 hours a day 7 days a week.

    live right

    besalel- well done 🙂

    who said you have to write your chosson letters? is that a rule? if writing is not your thing, express yourself in other ways.


    It doesn’t need to be a long, flowing letter. The right words, no matter how many or few there are of them, mean enough.

    As far as during the engagement is concerned, though you really have to be careful how intimate the letters are – it’s really tough when you have stuff you really want to say but not sure how to when you’re not allowed to use certain wording. That’s why I found my engagement really hard, cause I couldn’t express myself to my husband, and he thought I was being quiet and non-responsive.

    You don’t need to buy him a gift for the yichud room though. A chassan is supposed to give his kalla gifts, as we see in tanach, but there is no mention of the other way around.

    Mazal tov!


    My dear beloved chosson,

    I cannot believe that we are finally about to embark on our lives together. I am so lucky to be able to marry someone who fit all of the criteria on my checklist, even the part about being tall, which I was embarrassed to tell the shadchan. Well, I really didn’t tell her that because Duvid Weissman wasn’t engaged yet then, and he’s short. But once he was engaged and I knew that I wouldn’t have a shot at his family’s money anymore, I was hoping that you would be tall. Not only that, when I showed my friends pictures of you before the vort they are all so jealous! Even after we got engaged you got me the best jewelry, better than any of my friends got from their chassanim. Except for the earrings, which I left home when I would get together with them.

    Anyway, this is totally bashert, and I hope that you are as excited as I am. I want you to know that I plan to have a TON of shalom bayis and as my kallah teacher and rebbetzin both advised me, I am not going to try to be your mashgiach so you are going to have to be very careful to be on top of your own ruchnius. Like no missing shachris or seder or anything, because if you do, it won’t be my place to say anything and then it will ruin our shalom bayis, which I may have mentioned is going to be AMAZING, or at least better than Ruchel and her husband Yanky’s, which is going to be hard because they really seem to get along.

    Anyway, I have to go because I need to get my nails done so that they will be ready for the re-doing before the wedding. I am getting them done in baby powder white with a tiny tint of pink so that my gown will look whiter.


    Your beloved Chana Pretzel

    live right

    veltz meshugenner: your letter must have been written by a kallah straight from seminary.

    girls who aren’t married within the year are not such noodleheads. although some girls are born noodleheads and therefore will remain so no matter how many years they are out of seminary.


    Dear Veltz M,

    For the first time in my whole life, I feel sorry I’m not a guy.

    And for the first time in many years, I feel sorry I’m not single.

    Because I truly positively wish I could be the recipient of the awesome, stupendous chosson letter from Chana Pretzel.

    Oh to hear her tell me Toodles!

    Perhaps in a different gilgul…


    besalel and veltz meshuganer-



    I LOVED VELTZ’ letter.

    “should tell you how much i cant wait to be your wife but i guess i dont really know what that is going to be like either. no one truly does on their wedding day”

    Why do you find this amusing. I didn;t know, either, but I couldn’t WAIT to be my chosson’s wife, because I knew he was truly my bashert. Perhaps you would prefer the wording, “I cannot wait to begin our life together, building a bayis ne’eman b’Yisroel.” OK.


    VeltzMeshugener +100

    That was AWESOME!


    lovehashem: This is a very personal thing that should come from you and only you. If you cant think of anything, then you dont have to write a letter. Many kallahs dont. A simple “I’ll miss you” or “I cant wait for our wedding” will do the trick too!

    Besalel and Veltz Meshugener: lol! Thanks for the laugh!


    Awesome veltz!


    Dear Chosson,

    I will begin to bore you with this letter, as a prologue to long boring conversations we will have, with me talking and having a conversation and you listening. I said it, you listening. What did I say? Good, I see you’re listening.

    Anyway, I was sitting today with Rochel and Chaya and she said that the other one should have said, but it was really nebby so she didn’t say and I was really happy about it and then I left and was wondering if I should’ve been happy because it was really nebby.

    For lunch today I had ______ and it was really good. I like to have _______ for lunch because it’s healthy and cheap. Be prepared to have plenty of cheap and healthy food in the house.

    I’m in middle of deciding what kind of tablecloth to buy, but I’m sure that whatever my mother picks out I’ll say is my favorite.

    Did I ever tell you how much I like flowers? I wasn’t going to tell you but my mother warned me that she can’t be the one to tell you because that’s mixing in, so I have to tell you.

    I’m really happy we had this conversation and I look forward to many, many more meaningful and enjoyable conversations.

    Love (and make sure that when you write back you sign love, it means so much to me… and I’m saying that because I really mean it and not because my mother told me to),

    your most admiring person in the whole wide world!! I can’t wait to be married to you!!!!

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