Libraries, What are they good for?

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    Will libraries persevere in the digital age or slowly dwindle away? Is there something about libraries and physical copies of books irreplaceable by any other means? What are some of advantages of libraries.


    Its a great place for resources with people there to help you with your work

    You can also do lots of research on projects and other work your doing in the library. Paid for of course by your taxes.


    Right writer, where else would you get books if not a library?


    I agree, I am pro library but wondering with all the advancements towards the everything digital, and with the new generation growing up on screens will physical items and locations such as books and libraries ever go away.

    , digital?


    Digital Libraries.


    People (not just Yidden, goyim too) often prefer books. Books are easier to read than screens and much more portable (they often fit in pockets, and never run out of power). They also have some books that very expensive, or hard to use in an online format (e.g. atlases).

    Libraries also provide access to online resources that would be very expensive for individuals (ones that have paywalls and/or expensive subscription fees). They also provide public access to the internet for free (albeit with less privacy than a personal home computer, though that doesn’t affect Yidden so much since “of course” we never look at sites that require great privacy).


    I would think Atlas is one of the exceptions to being better in book format. Online map is so much easier to navigate and zooming in and out is very helpful.




    Reading from a book is better than digital. Easier on the eyes and doesn’t need to recharge


    Absolutely nothing!

    Amil Zola

    The public libraries in my state of Oregon have embraced electronic media. I can go online, check out an e book and have it delivered to my chosen device, I can also download any number of legal documents, ie rental leases, name change forms, basic pleading forms). I can also check out films on CD. If I want to go to the library I can check out any number of specialized items, i.e. cake pans suitable for baking a tiered wedding cake, food dehydrators, hand cranked equipment that separates seeds and skins from tomato pulp.) My library also delivers FOC.


    Libraries are great for free AC, although some of these Queens libraries have gotten a bit cheap on it. Used to feel like a freezer in there


    I remember the greatest of Galtzianer Rabbonim in Boro Park would spend time in the public library. My wife z”l would go to the library as would many frume balebustas and take out dozens of books for Shabbos. Now many libraries in our areas have extensive Artscroll and reference materials לשם ולתפארת.


    Benephraim: For every of the greatest Rabbonim who spent time in the library, there were 100+ others who did not. So whoever it was that was there was non-representative.

    Amil Zola

    Rightwriter, libraries are also used as cooling places for the public during heat waves like we’re having. I got notice that our library hours will be extended to provide cooling relief to those without AC.


    Amil: How prevalent are residences in your area that lack air conditioning?

    Menachem Shmei

    @ujm (“For every of the greatest Rabbonim…”):
    Take it easy! Benephraim didn’t try to prove that anyone who doesn’t spend time in the public library is a goy. He just pointed out an interesting memory that he had.

    Amil Zola

    ujm, AC is not very common here in the PNW although in the recent past we have been shown a need for it. New construction and developments do feature AC. Many of the older homes aren’t suitable to convert to central heat and air. Some of those homes don’t have the wiring necessary to deliver power to a or multiple window units. I’ve lived in the PNW for over 30 years and hadn’t planned on AC initially when my current home was being built. I’m glad I made the choice to have it installed.


    ujm-“How prevalent are residences in your area that lack air conditioning?”

    You know Air conditioners arent free to operate right?


    I check out books from my local public library regularly for myself and my grandchildren (here for the summer). I look at a screen enough hours for work related things, I don’t enjoy reading books on a screen. There is something comforting about the feel of a book in my hands and the feel of the pages as I turn them and the ink.
    Even on our law library at the CTL firm, I like books as well as digital. Sometimes I want to spread out assorted cases in open volumes on a conference table and compare what I have researched, not flip back and forth between screens on a computer.
    With a physical book, I never have to worry about the internet going down


    I really enjoy visiting my local library. They always have activities for the kids, love the microfilm (looking at old news articles) A relaxing environment to read in, friendly library staff to help me find what I need. Also as a book collector, I like to see what they happen to have for sale in their for sale section. I don’t really use their computers so I won’t comment on that, but their wi-fi is very good compared to other free wi-fi’s in my city. (I use it for zoom meetings if I happen to be at the library at the time)


    I dont like how they bring drag queens to read books to kids, or how they push the LGBTQ+RNDHSBYSDJ whole thing on everyone. Why cant libraries be neutral? Who decided that they have to be extreme liberal centers?


    Jews will be the last people in the world to know how to read books, unless someone kashers a mechanical computer 🖥️ for shabbos. People of the book indeed.

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