Looking for a quote from Rav Volbe zt”l

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    I was told that Rav Volbe writes (presumably in Alei shur) that if someone had the opportunity to give someone a compliment and didn’t do so, he’ll have to give din vecheshbon on that after 120.

    Does anyone know where exactly Rav Volbe writes this?

    Tizku Lemitzvos!

    Marbim BSimcha

    I don’t know where in Alei Shur but its an open Zohar in Parshas Tazria 46b:

    כמה דעונשא דהאי בר נש בגין מלה בישא, כך ענשיה בגין מלה טבא דקאתי לידיה ויכיל למללא ולא מליל

    Just as one is punished for speaking negative words, he is also punished for when he has the opportunity to speak positively but did not.


    Marbim, a great quote, thanks a lot! And a great nick.

    This fulfils my weekly quota of positives.


    How about using 1 user names instead of 4, and stop posting immature content

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