Looking for Jerusalem apartment for August through September

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Looking for Jerusalem apartment for August through September

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    I need a place with air conditioning and a refrigerator, with wi-fi a plus.

    A good neighborhood is important.

    Please let me know if you have a place available, or if you know of one.


    places to look: hamodia, yated, janglo dot com

    all these sources are in english. good luck!

    The Frumguy

    How do you expect someone to contact you through The Coffee Room? It’s just not set up that way.


    OK, for your questions:

    Is it noisy? – Yes. That is the answer in I would guess 100% of the apartments, especially in the frum neighborhoods. Just based on the sheer number of people living in each apartment, the number of apartments in each building, and the number of buildings close to each other, you are talking lots and lots of people living close together, so things get noisy. If you want to go somewhere quiet, go to a desert island.

    Frum neighborhoods – for example Ezrat Torah, Sorotzkin, HaMem Gimmel, Zichron Yaakov, Panim Meirot, Belz, Geulah, Mattersdorf, Unsdorf, Maalot Dafna, Sanhedria/Murhevet, Ramat Eshkol, Ramat Shlomo, Ramot (not Beit, but Gimmel and Daled are mostly frum and Aleph is half/half), Neve Yaakov.

    Shuls – There is a shul on most streets in Yerushalayim, so that is not a big question unless you are physically handicapped and cannot walk a block or two.

    Shopping – There are supermarkets in many main areas, but if you need to get a loaf of bread/milk and even a few extra things (higher prices), there is usually a makolet central in the neighborhoods. Again, unless you are physically handicapped, you can easily walk the distance.

    Buses are the main source of transportation, unless you plan on taking taxis everywhere. Try to get ahold of Egged bus route maps so that you will know how to get where you want.


    I have an two bedroom apartment that’s available for rent. It’s on Rechov Reichman in Beis Yisroel with excellent frum neighbors


    Please send me the information (price and apartment specs, such as a/c) at aptseeker44@ gmail.com

    Moderator: I set up this screen name and email account just for the purpose of my apartment search. It is not connected to any other screen name, no personal data is involved, and I may drop the SN and email address once I have an apartment. Please allow this post. Alternately, please relay this information to gingy.



    I am a non-smoking frum single guy in my early-mid twenties. I have several relatives in EY and I can supply references if needed .

    I would be staying in the apartment during the night, but would be out during the day for the most part.

    If you have or know of anything please let me know.

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