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    Maaser did NOT necessarily “change” from fruits/vegetables to money. They are different concepts. Actually, you forgot the most important “maaser”: on grain crops, grapes and olives. And “maaser’ is actually practiced “today” in Israel.

    The hilchos maaser for grains, fruits and vegetables are part of the original mishnayos ‘zeraim”. The hilchos “maaser” for money is part of hilchos zedakah in “joreh deah’. they are different in that the original “maaser’,biblically, was only for grain crops and grapes and olives. The Talmudic Sages subsequently added all fruits and vegetables.That “maaser’ is strictly for one-tenth. Today, they just call the “maaser’ in a certain part of the crop (krias shem) and do nothing else. “Maaser” (unlike terumah) is allowed to be eaten by “regular’ jews-in other words, you do not have to be a levi to eat it. In the bais hamikdosh , the leviim got it for their sustenance.

    Additionally, today all “maaser” is ‘derabonon”- a talmudic injunction, because there is no bais hamikdosh.

    “Maaser Kesofim” (maaser from money) is only a guideline for zedakah from one’s funds.If memory serves me right, there is no specific obligation for ‘maaser’, just an indication of the amount to be given. The money can actually be used for many purposes,including buying seforim.

    I would imagine that it comes from after-tax money and it does not have to be “paid’ off before rosh hashanah.

    Farmers in Israel DO take “maaser today but they leave it where it is. Their ‘maaser’ on money is a totally different issue.

    I wrote the above from memory but I think it gives you the general idea about “maaser”.

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