Maybe I Should Compensate The Store Owner…?

Home Forums Bais Medrash Maybe I Should Compensate The Store Owner…?

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  • #727152
    ☕ DaasYochid ☕


    OK, let’s add one caveat to my scenario; he will not be home before the ice cream will melt. Would you then have the same question?




    it seems to be a case of the employee, whom you claim has the owners permission to act for him regarding the store asked you to do something so you acted for him which by extension gave you permission. Therefore, continue doing the right thing and be assured that you were not liable to feel you did an injustice to the owner of the store.

    ☕ DaasYochid ☕


    I don’t think anyone needs the store owners permission to accurately describe a product being sold.


    In case it wasn’t obvious where I stand here, I think that besides having done the right thing (which you already “admitted” to), you owe nothing to the owner, even as a “lifnim m’shuras hadin”.

    Giving the owner money, I think, would not be “tzedakah” as ItsJustMyOpinion (the English version of my screen name) suggested, rather, a present.

    Had your information about the cones containing gluten been inaccurate, you might have a shaila.


    it seems to be a case of the employee, whom you claim has the owners permission to act for him regarding the store asked you to do something so you acted for him which by extension gave you permission.

    Was he authorized to authorize others? I’m not so certain about that.

    The Wolf

    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    Wolf, would you still have your question if you told a customer that an item was milchig causing him not to purchase it?

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