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    WHEN will this depression end


    at 3:00.


    Actually, it’s a recession, not a depression…unless it’s something else you are asking about.


    wow with a words like those, in caps no less…

    sure it’s drawing a crowd!


    Oh my- you didnt know??!!!??? According to the president’s top advisors it is over already- didnt you know??? They found this out very scientifically you see… people stopped google-ing the words “recession” and “economic depression” so it must be over! (or everyone was hit and they all know it too clearly!)


    R’ Bernanke already congratulated himself on bringing about the end of the recession so quickly. He announced this last week at the Kansas City Federal Reserve retreat, so it became official then, but who knows how long its been over unofficially.


    When Moshiach comes!! Which could be anytime.


    If someone else is laid off from a job, it’s a recession. if you’re laid off from your job, it’s a depression. Hashem runs the world and the economy. According to the gemara in Sanhedrin, the severe depression will end a few years before Moshiach comes, but it will be preceded by Gog and Magog.


    mazal, when will moshiach come??? Let Obama say what he wants, his country is in worse condition then the GREAT DEPRESSION. 9.4% are jobless. ANd the number is only growing


    Jothar, you are copying ronald Reagen’s line when he was running for president.

    “When Your Neighbor Loses His Job It’s A Recession When You Lose Your Job It Is a Depression, When Jimmy Carter Loses His Job It’s…


    his country is in worse condition then the GREAT DEPRESSION. 9.4% are jobless. ANd the number is only growing

    Hate to break it to you but in 1933 25% of country was jobless, not 9.4%. And about 1 bank in 4 closed, and in those days there was no FDIC, so if your bank closed your money was gone.

    As for the recession being over the economy is slowly growing again after several years of shrinking. Last quarter the Israeli economy grew by 1% which is not much its better than 5% shrinkage. That being said hiring always lags. And of course if there is a stack of 50cv’s for a job and your skills are not up to snuff you will have trouble getting a job.

    Its going to be a tough job market for several more years. Actually the company I’m working for right now is actually hiring.


    zachkessin, i didn’t mean that there are more jobless now then in 1933. I mean to say that in 1933 the economy was built on money. Now it is built on CREDIT. And after 20 years of the country being built on credit and people spending 10 times more then they can afford everything collapses. IN 1933, people knew limits, now??????.


    and by the way your in for a big surprise of what will happen because our president (if you want to call him one) doesn’t know what he is doing. He just TALKS AND TALKS. Also, he is NO friend of the JEWS.


    zach kessin- You also have to take into account that the country is:

    a)bigger than in the great depression

    b)wealthier before this current depression than before the great depression of 1929.

    and that:

    c) this is a shorter time span into the recession than your statement about 1933. Thats 4 years, while Obama is only in power for about 7 months, and it was only during the last year or so of Bush (and not as bad as now once the stimulus bill was passed).

    d) our government is run by some of the dumbest people in the history of the country! I mean if the stimulus bill was going to stop joblessness, than I guess 10 is less then 8. I just dont know my numbers! 8 is a big number and 9, 10 and 12 are all smaller numbers. Yes, in parts of the country joblessness has grown to such inordinate amount of people!


    our government is run by some of the dumbest people in the history of the country!

    seichel said it…


    This country is going nowhere but down the sewer


    “R’ Bernanke” is not Allen Greenspan- he chooses his words more carefully. Or rather, it’s just a little more believable (not much more, just a little.)

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