More Hypocrisy from the Democrats

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  • #1893271

    They have a problem with photo ID required to vote or dead people votes when it benefits them but support mail-in voting? Some mail carrier in Republican areas will throw out the ballots.


    Huh? What is the contradiction?


    What’s wrong with dead people voting as long as they know to vote Democrat? It is a long tradition going back many generations.

    And why would a mail carrier in a Republican area throw our perfectly good ballots when they have the option of delivering them to a Democratic vote harvester who least knows the correct way to mark the ballot.


    And more is when Cumo was on the dnc last night saying how bad the federal government was then they have him saying in April how they were the best and how trump helped them very fast. These people look jealous and mad at Trump. Trump did the best in this everyone knows this.


    @Akuperma You said what’s wrong with a dead person voting?? Is that fair? That’s what their all about just scam everything and if a republican would dare say it they would investigate like there is no tomorrow


    Biden can’t even have a normal conversation with anyone. That’s a president? They don’t let him speak or do anything


    What’s the contradiction?
    The Democrat’s position is voting should be universally accessible. So mail in votes should be available for people that cannot make it to polling stations, and voting without ID should be allowed for people that don’t have a state ID (other means of verification like SS card would still be used)

    Both mail in votes and voting without ID are the norm in many first world countries (the UK for example). None of which seem to have a problem with fraudulent voting.


    @quayboardwarrior If you would like to vote fraudulent go to the uk but in America we don’t do that I’m sorry to inform you. I’m glad you think that’s normal but it’s not. What is the point of voting if you can just scam it?


    Out of a study of millions of ballots, there were found 9 (nine!) fraudulent votes.

    Out side of the mayor of Podunk race, what does one gain for changing a couple of votes?

    A massive campaign to enable or prevent people from voting is much more of an advantage.


    Even 1 fraud vote is not fear. Your not getting the point we leave in America


    I have a video of nadler saying how voting by mail is fraud he said it in 2004.

    🍫Syag Lchochma

    Is everyone half asleep? They insist that Trump is making up the possibility of mail fraud but the post office themselves said they won’t be able to get the ballots in on time. Hellllloooooo

    And then we use dumb absentee voting statistics in random no name elections as data based
    proof that there won’t be mail fraud even tjough there are people who would murder people, and an FBI office gone rogue to keep trump out of office. You think domeone with big pockets wouldnt offer mail carriers a grand a ballot that somehow ends up in a bbq pit? Are you guys asleep at the wheel?


    Post office is perfectly fine. Just fake news because Trump mentioned something g about post office. Post office is always slow


    @Proud Republican

    Contrary to your misinformed beliefs, voter fraud is not rampant in the UK.

    Link removed

    585 cases were investigated by the police. Of these, two led to a conviction and an individual was given a police caution.


    Why did you remove the link? That’s what the dems do.

    This is a Democratic site. Didn’t you know that?


    Dear Syag,

    Someone with big pockets can influence a national election more efficiently than forging votes one mail carrier or post office at a time. If mail in voting would work from a technical perspective, is a different question. If Washington wanted, they can make it work.

    Reb Eliezer

    Proud to be a liar like Trump about the Post Office? I don’t see the slowness of the Post Office yet.

    🍫Syag Lchochma

    The post office made a statement that they cannot process that many ballots in time. And it’s not about washington. If you think anti trumpers can’t find an easy way to interfere if they so chose than you are very naive.


    A few facts about vote by mail:

    • Americans have used vote by mail/absentee voting since the Civil War

    • In 2016, 25% of voters voted by mail

    • Vote by mail does not favor one party over another

    • Colorado uses universal vote by mail and is considered to have the most secure elections in the country.

    • Mail-in ballots have bar codes to prevent duplicates, and every ballot requires a signature that is checked in a database to prevent fraud.

    • To receive a ballot, you must be a registered voter.

    • Mail-in voting creates a paper trail that can then be audited after the election.

    Vote by mail is secure. Trump is lying when he says it isn’t. Even the RNC is mass mailing their supporters absentee ballot request forms.

    🍫Syag Lchochma

    Are you thinking thst was a response to my post? The one where the POST OFFICE says it cannot get the ballots deliveted in time to be counted. (Not trump, post office)


    I think each of the 170,000 + people who died from COVID-19 should be able to vote against Trump.


    1 -“dead people votes when it benefits them but support mail-in voting?”

    You’re 100% Right.
    We do have mail-in voting – for people that are disabled or sick. If they allow Voting for e/o, it will be Fraught with Fraud!
    I’ll give an example, a relative of mine passed away, but the Feds kept sending the SSI Checks.
    I had to send them back & call them to stop sending them.
    Now millions of Registered Voters passed away in the Last 4 Years, now what’s to Stop anyone to fill out their Vote for Them?!?
    Oh I Know, they’ll Notify the Feds, like I did about SSI, that these people are Deceased. LOL.

    🍫Syag Lchochma

    Jacob lev- better they should vote for cuomo for killing many of them?

    Reb Eliezer

    What about signatures?


    Dear SYag,

    There are two options here.

    1 The states can pay for priority mail.
    2 The feds can hire more workers for the usps.

    Something feels familiar about this debate.

    (In other words, this is not unique to Trump.)


    an anyone explain what hypocrisy the OP is talking about?


    Mail voting would work if:

    1. The Boards of Elections and the Post Office were fanatic about keeping address records up to date.
    2. Ballots were sent to voters as certified mail, signature required – guaranteeing voters received their ballots
    3. They actually checked that the ballot was from the voter either by requiring them to show ID at the post office or by checking a signature on the ballot against the voter registry, which very few election boards do.
    4. A ban on vote harvesting

    But it won’t happen and unless Biden wins by a tremendous landslide, the election will be tainted


    Quay dead registered voters will get these ballots. Other people who don’t plan om actually voting will have their ballots used by someone who isn’t them.


    @1 @Health Both of you and so many people on here seem convinced it’ll be subject to mass electoral fraud, all because Trump said so.

    Mail-in voting has had bi-partisan support for some time now, and works in just about every other first world country, No, it is not ripe for abuse. It works fine in Colorado where verification checks are in place to prevent voter fraud. Ballot papers are also kept for 2 years evidence does arise of voter fraud and a recount necessary.

    And yes, there may be the odd case of someone passing the verification checks and vote on behalf of a deceased relative. But this isn’t a practical way for any party to garner additional, fraudulent votes on a large scale. Nor would anybody in their right mind think it worth the risk, with the upside being their favored party receives just one additional vote, but the downside being if caught, can be fined $10,000 and a sentence of up to 5 years in jail.

    Colorado for example has had just 9 instances of voter fraud since adopting mail-in voting in 2013.

    The upside of mail-in voting is it’ll give fairer access to millions to their constitutional right to vote. It’ll also likely make vote counting easier, as counting will not all need to be done the evening of the election.

    So please stop peddling this nonsense. Trump is only peddling it to preemptively de-legitimizing the election if he loses.

    🍫Syag Lchochma

    You are quite obviously not local.


    No not because Trump said so. Dead votes have been a problem for years.


    no democrat would get caught for fraud if their candidate wins

    Reb Eliezer

    1, What about signature matching? What about if he died after mailing the ballot?



    No idea where you get your “facts” from.

    But according to a 2017 study by the Brennan Center for Justice, the rate of voting fraud overall in the US is between 0.00004% and 0.0009%,

    A voter fraud database collated by Arizona State University between 2000 and 2012, found 491 cases of postal ballot fraud out of hundreds of millions of votes.

    In April 2020, a 20-year voter fraud study by MIT University found the level of fraud “exceedingly rare” since it occurs only in “0.00006 percent” of instances nationally,

    Oregon has held postal elections since 2000 and has only reported 14 fraudulent votes attempted by mail.

    So although voter registration databases not being up to date is an issue, abuse of this and voter fraud has not been been “a problem for years”

    Amil Zola

    Oregonian here! I love voting at the kitchen table, no stamps necessary. Around 7 years ago an elections worker in the PDX metro area was busted for filling in incomplete ballots and marking them for republican candidates. I also recall someone busted for ballot harvesting, I don’t know if it is still illegal here, I’m guessing it went by the wayside when we choose vote by mail 20 years ago. There used to be a site you could use to track election fraud by state. Perhaps someone can try a google and see if they can find it.


    QB -“It works fine in Colorado where verification checks are in place to prevent voter fraud. Ballot papers are also kept for 2 years evidence does arise of voter fraud and a recount necessary.”

    Now how does that work? 2 Years with the wrong guy?

    “And yes, there may be the odd case of someone passing the verification checks and vote on behalf of a deceased relative”

    I can understand that it works Colorado, because it’s Not that Populated.
    How can it work in states like NY – I remember a case of Voter Fraud when some guy took people from one Boro to the Next one & voted again. With all the deaths just Now with Covid19, they’ll be many voting for Dead relatives.


    Somebody has to answer to why it is worth forging individual ballots. It would be more efficient to manipulate a voting machine. Or to invalidate hundreds of ballots at the official counting.


    nOmesorah -“It would be more efficient to manipulate a voting machine. Or to invalidate hundreds of ballots at the official counting.”

    It might be easier, but it’s even easier to catch the Wrongdoing!


    Dear Health,

    “It might be easier, but it’s even easier to catch the wrongdoing!”

    How so?


    nOmesorah -“How so?”

    I don’t know what world you live in, but the Most of Us – live in an Honest one.

    “manipulate a voting machine.”

    There probably will be a Honest Guy around!

    “invalidate hundreds of ballots at the official counting.”

    Again – There probably will be a Honest Guy around!


    Health? Most people aren’t honest


    Dear Health,

    Nobody is in the booth when someone is voting. The machines are sometimes brought to the polling stations a few days in advance.


    1 -“Health? Most people aren’t honest”

    True, but I said this:
    “There probably will be a Honest Guy around!”


    nOmesorah -“Nobody is in the booth when someone is voting.”

    Exactly. One person = One vote.

    “The machines are sometimes brought to the polling stations a few days in advance.”

    Yes, but there are security measures.
    Are you old enough to Vote?!?


    Dear Health,

    One person can go into the machine under the pretense of voting, and disable it. Or if he is very capable, disable one voting option.
    Voting places, like just about everywhere else in this country are not as secure as you think.

    Yes. Why does it matter?


    nOmesorah -“One person can go into the machine under the pretense of voting, and disable it. Or if he is very capable, disable one voting option.”

    It takes a long time to do anything to the machine.
    He couldn’t do that in the time allowed to vote.
    There are Watchers there. So Get REAL.


    Dear Health,

    It takes less than a minute to partially disable a voting machine.

    There is a youtube video on how to hack the machine in seven minutes.

    How much time is allowed in the booth?


    nOmesorah -“It takes less than a minute to partially disable a voting machine”

    Disable it maybe, but the guy needs to change the vote for s/o else.

    anonymous Jew

    A couple of points:
    1. The states that have mail in ballots have had years to get.
    the kinks out
    2. They’ve also cleaned up their voter registrations,
    eliminating bad addresses, deaths etc
    3. Attempts to clean up registrations in other states have
    been met by Democratic claims of voter suppression
    ( see Stacy Abrams in Georgia )
    4. Among the provisions stuffed by Pelosi into her stimulus
    package were 2 laws stripping away security provisions
    from mail in ballots which would make it impossible to
    prove who actually filled out the ballot
    5. Absentee ballots work fine and there is plenty of time
    fir them to be requested
    6. The difference between mailin and absentee ballots?
    Absentee ballots are requested and mailed to a specific
    address. Mailin are sent in bulk, to all registrations on
    file, regardless if they intend to vote in person of at all


    Dear Health,

    The individual vote do not need to be changed.

    Here is how it is/(used to be) done. The troublemaker comes to the polling station early. He disables the opposing candidates. Now, all those who did not want to vote for that candidate can’t. This helps the preferred candidate get a a majority. [There is a feature that is supposed to sound an alarm when the machine is tampered with. It is only useful against a bumbling idiot. Even a below average troublemaker does not shy away from an alarm.] Also, people may start randomly selecting candidates, to see if any of them work. They might keep pushing until they select the only one that works. For this reason, newer machines have the option to clear your choices before you submit the vote. (The older machines are still legal. I do not know why.)

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