music to enhance tefilla/tehillim

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    i have a really close friend, and when she says tehillim, she listens to inspiring music on her ipod. i mean good, frum, not rocky, just nice music. it brings her to tears when she davens, it makes it that more meaningful.

    do you think that’s an ok thing to do? i think it’s beautiful, and i want to start doing it myself. i’d ask a rav, of course, just wanna know what u’d think if u saw someone doing this. for me it was very inspiring to see her tear stained pages as she davened.


    Im not sure if its appropriate to do so “during Davening” but before Davening it may be ok. Although technically that would only apply to Mincha because in the morning one shouldnt do anything other than whats necessary to get to shul/school before Davening. Also, always say Birchas Hashachar first thing in the mornining after Negel Vasser.


    oh my goodness! that is really funny, because i do the exact same thing.. I am a very musical person and that’s the only way my heart and soul are in my davening…If you find out if its right or not right i’d really appreciate it if you’d let me know..


    YAY! Because I once asked my Rebbi this EXACT question and he said emphatically that you arent allowed to do it. Something about thats how the Goyim pray…

    If someone else asked and has a different answer i’d love to hear it.


    Hey, I think i’ll post it on


    A maybe different answer: Tehillim has its own music. You may have seen a Tehillim with taamim, the cantillation notes These are the Taamei Emet (unique to Iyov Mishle and Tehillin. They are not so easy to learn once your are familiar with standard taamim, and Ashkenazim don’t have a mesorah for how they sound, but among the Sfardim, there is an almost alive, not quite lost mesorah of the sound. I have heard from a Chacham Gadol, that the commas and phrasing of some editions is in conflict with that decreed by the taamim.


    Sacrilege: The christians use music because the Beis Hamikdosh had music in it. I was told that there is no problem of Chukas Hagoyim for traditions that were origionally jewish (such as flowers on Shavuos).

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