Music to Run by

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  • #599362
    Abba bar Aristotle

    I love to run/jog to music – but the music must regularly have 4 beats in order to run to it. I recently found the album “Dachs and Dov” and has great 4-beat tunes throughout the album. Does anyone know of any other album [of Torah-Music] that would be great to run/jog by?

    YW Moderator-42

    Are there acapela albums to run by during sefira?

    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    If you’re using it to keep rhythm to excercise, you can even listen to instrumental.


    I run by music all the time when I pass music stores. At this time, I don’t run with music, though.

    I’m counting down the days to Lag BaOmer, though, when I could run with music again if I wanted to. 🙂


    Aristotle is popa bar abbas grandfather?! (see original poster)

    YW Moderator-42

    Shouldn’t you be counting up the days to Lag baomer?


    @Mod 42 – You’re right. 😀

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