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- This topic has 16 replies, 11 voices, and was last updated 3 years, 4 months ago by Amil Zola.
October 14, 2021 12:49 am at 12:49 am #2015839rightwriterParticipant
There have been many reports here in America and worldwide about sightings of bright lights moving across the sky. Sometimes a few lights together and sometimes just one and suddenly they either disappear or fly out of sight. There are many videos on YouTube which captured these lights and they are all similar. Also most stories of these sightings have similar descriptions. I have seen this a few times. Once a bright big white led type light just floating through the sky at night, not making any noise at all and was too close to not make a noise if it was a plane, and it was flying at a much slower(but steady) pace than an airplane would be especially so low in the sky. It flew over for 5 minutes or so and suddenly extinguished. Also on a different occasion saw 2 lights flying together in exact formation and after 2 minutes both extinguished at the same time. Another time I saw 1 bright light flying across the sky for about 10 minutes until it was out of sight. No sound at all and it was a quiet night. Even planes at 30,000 feet can sometimes be heard on a quite night.
What can these things be? Some say Chinese lanterns or drones. But it’s odd because many are seeing these lights and there is no explanation. Recently the government came out with classified files about ufo sightings from military. These sightings are becoming very frequent. What can it be and how does it fit with our Torah and Judaism in terms of other species living in different galaxies?
Again, what I saw was a bright noiseless light slowly shining across the night sky and extinguishing like a flame. Im not saying it’s an alien. I don’t know what these things are.
October 14, 2021 8:03 am at 8:03 am #2015842aposhiteyidParticipantshooting star?
October 14, 2021 8:12 am at 8:12 am #2015885ujmParticipantHave any of these spaceships loaded and/or the martians come out to greet us earthlings?
October 14, 2021 11:46 am at 11:46 am #2015878ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤParticipanti think that with out a doubt its aliens. this is not new, we actually know that the most techonilized species of creatures is the delbillug creatures, found amongst the galaxy of zekaf also know as its scientific name lubasophinis. these creatures were created on day six of creation and when they left gan eden they left through the northeaster gate of gan eden which leads to the universe of zekaf. they are very similuar to humans and contain some sence of intelect. they have created magnetic use of power using the force of the push created by the touch of the north and south magnet and have created a way to use this to travel at slow yet reasonable paces without discovering elictricity. they rarely visit earth. it is written in sefer zichron haolom written by harav chananya of luziensk that in his time they used to visit in the month of elul and in the month of adar. i think that what was reported about a month and a half a go was the delbillug creatures. i could be wrong it might be a species of creatures we dont know about. Taiku
October 14, 2021 11:46 am at 11:46 am #2015936rightwriterParticipantAposhetyid, there is a big difference. Shooting star is a quick glimpse and can be green or blue etc. This is an actual flying objects all you see is a very bright white/yellow led light floating through the sky at a slow speed not make any noise at all and it’s relatively close.
October 14, 2021 11:46 am at 11:46 am #2015939GadolhadorahParticipantApparently, the lead spaceship sent out 12 exploratory spacecraft ( (their own version of the Meraglim) to assess whether there was intelligent life on Earth. Unfortunately, they all ended up landing by some freak coincidence in Red States and several in close proximity to MAGA rallies. Needless to say, their report back was negative and now they are in stationary geosynchronous orbit waiting for futher directives from the gadol h’martians (or whatever title he goes by). To them, its one big “Covfefe” (hamayvin yavin).
October 14, 2021 11:46 am at 11:46 am #2015964Yserbius123ParticipantIf you want to read about the Torah perspective on aliens, probably the most comprehensive source is Rabbi Dr. Normal Lamm’s essay in the book Challenge called The Religious Implications of Extraterrestrial Life. There’s also a Gemara in Brachos (sorry, don’t remember the daf) that mentions resident of certain stars helping the Bnei Yisroel fight a war.
As for lights in the sky, I used to be pretty into UFOs and unsolved mysteries and stuff. Then I unfortunately grew up. Turns out that pretty much all of the really weird sightings were either admitted fakes, or one person who saw it. Amazingly, with the advent of cameras in everyone’s pocket all the time, reports of close encounters with aliens and their spacecrafts have dwindled to effectively zero (along with Bigfoot and the Loch Ness Monster).
So the only encounters being recorded and reported are lights in the sky. Which could be alien spacecraft. Buuuuut in all likelihood, they’re just random things. Like how videos at night show some bugs in certain lighting as floating glowing orbs. Or just the sheer number of things flying around these days, from drones, to balloons, to small planes.
It’s the same with the military. You have to understand, the “U” in “UFO” is for “Unidentified”. Which is something they see every day all the time. Blips on the radar from flocks of birds, or pilots seeing something out of the corner of their eye. If it’s not a threat, they just shrug it off. And that’s what most of the declassified reports show. Just a pilot who saw something moving fast, a radar technician who couldn’t pin down the source of a signal, and so on.
Sorry to take the fun out of things, but that’s just how things are.
October 14, 2021 12:56 pm at 12:56 pm #2015996DovidBTParticipantOkay, okay, I’ll stop making the lights move across the sky. I didn’t realize it would upset people.
October 14, 2021 12:56 pm at 12:56 pm #2016003rightwriterParticipantYserbius I understand what you are saying, but im not taking others videos as the only evidence. I am talking from my own personal experiences of the past couple of years. It mostly happened on a Friday night which is leil shabbos and it was very quiet out. The fact that this glowing white orb wasnt an airplane I could tell right away since airplanes have a distinct blinking light red/green aside for their headlights. But even then you can usually see the form of a plane. Here there is no form of anything just a glowing Bright LED streaming across the sky and what really gave it away was that it was not making any noise at all. It cant be a chinese lantern because it was flying horizontally and on a straight path. Again I saw this at least 3 times where they either fly out of sight or suddenly extinguish like a candle flame going out. Also the time I saw 2 lights one of them flying ahead of the other but in exact formation and distance, and suddenly they flickered off and were invisible.
I was just saying that seeing video of these and also reading the comments on youtube videos gave the same account. Whether these are aliens or drones, they are definitely not planes or any other conventional flying objects. The strange part if that they fly very slow I would have thought they would zoom as fast as possible and also wouldnt air traffic control see these objects? Ive seen it more than once.
Also did anyone else hear about what farbycoffe mentioned? Its a good point about the magnetic technology Ive seen that as an explanation on a youtube comment, which accounts for the noiseless engines. And where does it say that aliens were created on the sixth day, it says shin daled were created are those aliens? Some say they are the same.
Also does it mean that we arent alone and not the only intelligence that Hashem created? How does this fit in with Am Hanivchar?
Also did anyone read up on what Haim Eshed the head of space for Israel from 1981 and a very well respected professor, said regarding aliens? He said that they exist and have been in communication and even Trump knew and almost revealed it. Some of what he said seemed a bit out there, but they did stress the fact that at that time Trump launched a “Space Military Division”. Also the Government recently disclosed classified info and videos of Air force and military sightings of UFO. That combined with such frequent sightings recently makes you wonder whats going on.
October 14, 2021 12:56 pm at 12:56 pm #2016006☕️coffee addictParticipantGadolhadorah,
No they said “take me to your leader” and were brought to Biden, to which the laughed uncontrollably and concluded there’s no intelligent life on earth
October 14, 2021 12:56 pm at 12:56 pm #2016007rightwriterParticipantAlso for many which had seen clusters or lines of lights, those have been confirmed to be Elon Musks Starlink Satellites. So the clusters that dont really move can be satellites. But the 1 or 2 which fly relatively low and dont make any noise, and are just a bright LED light, are definitely flying objects and the strange part as that most just extinguish or flicker off after some time.
Military has been known to use advanced technology in the sky so that can be it. But its getting more and more frequent and many around the world are noticing it which makes me think it cant just be US military operations.
October 14, 2021 1:02 pm at 1:02 pm #2016010GadolhadorahParticipant“Sorry to take the fun out of things, but that’s just how things are.
YSerbius123: Actually, thanks for a very informative post. I would also recommend anyone interested in the subject R’ Lamm’s essay which I read years ago and found to be an engaging overview of the issues, most of which I had never thought about.
R’ Lamm, Z’l was niftar about a year ago but he wrote that article in some RCA publication over 50 years ago, just prior to Neil Armstrong’s telling Houston, “The Eagle has Landed” (aka the the first Apollo 11 moon landing). Not much changed for several decades and suddenly within the past several years space travel and extraterrestrial life are back in vogue. Most of what he wrote about then has great relevance today.October 14, 2021 1:10 pm at 1:10 pm #2016031rightwriterParticipantCoffeAddict, how can you say that? Biden is such a better president than Trump even the aliens know that!
October 14, 2021 2:01 pm at 2:01 pm #2016036rightwriterParticipantGadol, theres a difference between believing others testimony than seeing things with your own eyes. Anyone can look up at the sky for themselves. Whatever these things are, they are UFO which mean Unidentified Flying Object. That doesnt mean they are aliens. But if they are unidentified, and the FAA and Military and government dont know about them, then there is a question of what these things really are. At least keep your jokes funny.
October 14, 2021 2:44 pm at 2:44 pm #2016095GadolhadorahParticipantRR: If the FAA and military, after several decades, still can’t figure them out, than its clear that we need to consider bizarre conspiracy theories. While everything else these days seems to be in short supply, fortunately, there is no shortage of the latter (aka MTG’s well thought out theory about Yiddeshe martians with lasers circling over the Western states deliberately starting forest fires).
October 14, 2021 2:52 pm at 2:52 pm #2016105rightwriterParticipantGadol since you are a genius and expert in this matter, can you please certify what these flying lights in the sky are?
October 14, 2021 2:59 pm at 2:59 pm #2016112Yserbius123Participant@rightwriter Oh, you definitely saw UFOs. I mean, they were flying and you couldn’t identify them 😊.
Every look up in the sky on a clear day and watch a high flying plane go by? Above a certain high, you can barely make out the craft and certainly can’t hear it. Some planes don’t blink their lights, so seen from afar it looks like a solid light streaking across the sky. Or it could be meteors. Or high altitude drones. Or an illusion caused by the light hitting a flying insect. Or any one of a billion explanations that are far more rational than aliens. Regarding @farbycoffe s comments, read the non-English words backwards. You fell for a troll.
October 14, 2021 5:24 pm at 5:24 pm #2016133LostsparkParticipantMy father in law got extraordinarily high on hallucinogenics at a baseball game during the 80s.
He told me he saw a flying saucer appear over the stadium with a message emblazoned on the sides that he was to have a GOODYEAR.
Armed with this interstellar bracha started a PI business and has been doing well ever since.
October 14, 2021 5:47 pm at 5:47 pm #2016155rightwriterParticipant“Every look up in the sky on a clear day and watch a high flying plane go by? Above a certain high, you can barely make out the craft and certainly can’t hear it. Some planes don’t blink their lights, so seen from afar it looks like a solid light streaking across the sky. ”
You should read so I don’t have to repeat. On a quiet night, yes you can almost always tell that its a plane. Especially on a CLEAR night. Also I said the craft was flying low. When a plane flies low you can hear it even indoors, so surely outdoors it would be heard. Also even when planes fly high up, on a quiet night they can still be faintly heard and even if not they do blink their lights or have a different light pattern and don’t take 10 minutes to cross out of your line of sight and definitely don’t flicker off especially without any clouds notice it was a clear night. This was a low flying craft, where all you can see is a bright light nothing else and it was moving slowly at a steady pace, and these sightings have been more than once. Maybe it’s a drone like you suggested who knows, definitely not a meteor I never heard of them being a bright white light flying 10,000 feet up at a slow pace.a light hitting a flying object…uh no.
That’s like you tell me you saw a squirrel and I will say no you probably just saw a cat with a bushy tail. People know what they see especially when it happens more than once. Yes maybe it’s some drones or who knows what but the point is that many people have been seeing them recently, frequently and around the world and all have similar accounts and even the videos show similar objects. Maybe if you have a telescopic lens you can see what these objects are if you can get past the bright light beam that encompasses them.
Lostspark, then your father in law saw the Goodyear blimp case solved.
October 14, 2021 7:30 pm at 7:30 pm #2016179Always_Ask_QuestionsParticipantback to Earth, there is a geomagnetic storm going on.
October 14, 2021 7:30 pm at 7:30 pm #2016173Amil ZolaParticipantBinoculars work wonders for viewing the night sky. Next time you are star gazing use your binocs.
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