Nail trimming lkvod Shabbos this week

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    To: rebdoniel,Ben Torah,popa_bar_abba, apushatayid, shlomozalman, rescue37, gavra_at_work, myfriend, mw13, et al

    a new project! Go for your ??”? search engines

    I just got the following text msg from our shtiebel’s chesed man:

    “HAYOIM” just a reminder trim your fingernails today (wednesday), because Friday is “ROISH CHOIDEHSH”

    Don’t worry I will not do anything L’maaaseh without cheking with my

    personal advisor on ???? ? ???? ?????



    I missed the second ? in ????? ? ???? ?????


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    So if you are generally makpid on R’ Yehuda Hachasid…


    Thanks I know that. I was curios if anyone addresses the thursday issue in the case of Rosh Chodesh on Friday.


    It’s not a sakanah, so it’s not a problem.


    See the rest of that ????


    before Friday as they will begin to grow again on or

    before Shabbos. The Taz says that one should not cut his nails particularly on Thursday since that will cause them to begin growing on Shabbos which resembles an issur. This being the case, I guess you could cut nails today, but would it be l’kovod shabbos becuase the nails would grow back amply by the time Shabbos comes?


    Most poskim say that when Friday is Rosh Chiodesh, you CAN trim nails on Thursday,while the shita you heard is likely attributable to the Chai HaLevi, who holds that in this situation, one can cut hair and nails on the Wednesday.


    yitayningwut Thanks for pointing me to the Aruch Hashilchan it was a lifesaver. My toenails need trimming badly, so I just did my

    fingers and will do my toes tonight.

    Rebdoniel you are most probably right in guessing “…heard is likely attributable to the Chai HaLevi,” The chesed man who sent the reminder is a “talmid” of Reb Daniel Goldstein A”H the deputy of New Square the Chai haLevi’s home base. Can you give the Chelek and siman? Which search engine did you use that has contemporay tshuvos?

    ???-?? ?? ????? ??????? (??? ??”? ???”? ??”? ???? ?”? ?????? ?????? ??”? ??? ?’, ??”? ‘?? ?????’ ??”? ?”?, ‘????? ????’ ??”? ???”? ?”?) ??? ???? ???? ????? ??? ???? ????? ?????????? ???? ?’ (??? ???? ?? ??? ?? ???? ?’ ??? ???-????) ???? ?????? ?????? ???? ?’, ??-??, ??-??? ??? ???? ?’ ??? ???-???, ???? ????? ????? ?????????? ???? ?’ ?????? ???? ???? ??? ?? ?????.

    ???? ??????, ???”? ???

    See Kaf Hachaim quotin the ???”? ‘??? ????? ???? ? without even mentioning the Thursday issue


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    shlomozalman The problem with Thursday is not a skana issue


    Glad I could be of help 🙂


    I use the Bar Ilan database, as well as my own volumes of tshuvos. I saw this reference in R’ Lebovits’ sefer.

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