Sticking to Kabbalos

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    People say that when you start working on something it gets easier with time. I have taken upon myself a certain kabbalas (music in particular) more than a year ago and I still find it extremely difficult to keep to every day.

    I need some inspiration or tips…any ideas?


    hey there music is my passion, i can totally relate! so what u do, is i try to avoid anything that might get me to a tricky situation. pretty much like the concept of avak loshon hora… try to stay away from things that may tempt you…


    Make a star chart. I don’t know what your kabala is, so for example, every day you don’t listen to secular music you get a sticker. (Yay! Morah is so proud of you!) After some predetermined number of stickers, you get a proportionate reward. Sounds babyish, but I’ve used this system and it works.

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