Non-Slip Taleisim

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  • #600655
    The Frumguy

    Does anyone out there (preferably men) have any experience with these “non-slip” taleisim I see advertised? Do they really do the trick? I seem to have a problem with mine constantly slipping off my shoulders.

    Tizku L’Mitzvohs.


    I have a problem with my tefillin shel rosh constantly falling lower than it should be.

    Shticky Guy

    frumguy I have one and highly recommend it. Its a talitania and this is the secret… Regular taleisim are simply that bit too wide! I didnt realize until I got a non slip which are narrower meaning there’s less excess tallis on your shoulders so there’s less to slip down. Try one on and you’ll see immediately what I mean! Mine used to drive me crazy but now BH I can daven in peace, slip free.

    mik5 your knot needs tightening. It takes between 10-30 seconds and most sofrim will happily do it for free.

    Anybody else have any problems? Uncle Shticky will endeavor to resolve them. Only $100 a time.


    thanks, a lubavitcher said i should tuck the straps underneath my belt so that the head tefillin stays up.


    These non-slip taleisim are excellent when preparing someone for kevura. Don’t be caught dead in an inferior tallis!

    The Frumguy

    Yasher Koach Shticky Guy!


    they really work. the only set back i find is that the fabric is heavier which means your hotter when its on your head.

    The Frumguy

    I finally got treated (by my wife) to a new Keter non-slip and it does the trick beautifully! Thanks for all of your recommendations.

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