nose job

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    Is a nose job a big deal or a small procedure? just to remove a small bump..anyone did it?


    Anytime you have surgery it is a big deal. Every time you have surgery there are risks involved. Every time you get anesthesia there are risks involved. So anytime you choose to have “elective” surgery instead of necessary surgery you really should think it out seriously and decide if it so necessary that it would truly make a difference in your life and then rethink it one more time.

    Having said that, if the issue is making you so unhappy that it is affecting your life and correcting the situation is something that would seriously make a big difference, and I truly mean make a seriously big difference in your self-esteem and self-confidence then you should discuss it with someone you truly trust will guide you in the right direction. By that I don’t mean your best friend.


    Is it me, or is there an awful lot of phishing threads at once asking personal questions?

    J__ must really be getting bored…


    what means phishing?


    lolkatz: any thread can get personal. this thread seems to be asking about plastic surgery. You dont have to say that you had plastic surgery, or where you had the surgery done, what part of your body was modified. This seems to be a simple question that one can answer by simply doing a search on the internet…or asking here.


    Aries2756 pretty much said it in a nutshell. How Aries got into the nutshell, I dont know. lol

    ha ha ha ha

    Please stop the bickering 🙂 the coffee room is losing all its “tam” like this!!


    Hi arwsf.

    Phishing is bascially someone getting information with an ulterior motive usually used for identity theft or some other kind of fraud or stalking, etc.


    Aries is correct. It’s also a serious halachic question, and a shaila must be asked before elective surgery is performed.


    FYI Phishing means using an e-mail from say Citibank telling you to “update” your personal information , you are sent to a website where the thieves steal your personal information like Social Security Numbers


    Any surgery has the potential to be a “big deal,” primarily because of the anesthesia and also because of other types of unforeseen risks (i.e. blood clots and conversely,uncontrolled bleeding, infection, sudden drop in blood pressure).

    That being said, rhinoplasty is one of the most commonly done surgical procedures today, and in the hands of a skilled surgeon, can be very beneficial, particularly if you have breathing issues as well as self-image concerns. I have never had this type of procedure, but I know people who have, and the medical field has come a long way since the earlier nose jobs. They are able to minimize the down time, and help with pain management. But make no mistake this is not something to be done lightly without doing a LOT of research about it. I leave the issues of halacha to others to discuss.


    lolkatz, and look who is phishing asking about who is phishing!

    Did you think they were personal questions directed at you? LOL


    Any physisican (i.e., a medical doctor who is not a surgeon) will tell you that “minor surgery” is surgery on someone else. Most surgeons will tell you the same thing.

    moi aussi

    One can have a nose job with local anesthesia


    Just chop if off with a cleaver over the kitchen sink.


    “One can have a nose job with local anesthesia” ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????


    “One can have a nose job with local anesthesia” ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? “

    Add my ????????? to this. Who in his/her right mind would WANT to, for goodness sake? I don’t even want to be awake for the removal of a wisdom tooth.

    moi aussi

    Rhinoplasty is usually performed either with local anesthesia plus some sedation, or general anesthesia. Your surgeon may give you a choice here, but circumstance may preclude your choosing, or your surgeon may have a clear preference. As a rule of thumb, if your nose only needs a little reshaping, you can probably have local anesthesia. If you need more extensive work, you will probably need general anesthesia.

    If you are having local anesthesia for your rhinoplasty surgery, you will receive sedative medications that will relax you and keep you calm. You quite possibly will fall asleep. The sedatives may be administered through an intravenous (IV) line into a vein in your arm or you may be given pills to take. Even if you stay awake or wake up a bit during the procedure, you will be so relaxed you will not care. When you are relaxed and sedated, your surgeon will inject local anesthetics, such as lidocaine. He or she may also inject a drug called epinephrine, which will constrict the blood vessels and help reduce bleeding. The injections feel pretty much like getting any injections; you will feel a sting for a few seconds and then the area will start to go numb. Usually, you will get several injections over the area of your mid-face.

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