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  • #1924099

    Why did Hashem have to create the feeling of embarrassment when we receive a gift without having done anything?
    If he hadn’t create it then we could have gone to the world to come straight away.

    emes nisht sheker

    Are you answering your question or just explaining why the feeling should not have been created? I mean it can go either way here.


    because the whole engoyment is being close to god and in order to be close to god you have to be like god and in order to be like god you can’t just get everything from someone else because god doesn’t get anything from anyone else


    Because Hashem wished to create beings as like Himself as possible. And just as it is impossible to give anything to Hashem, He created humans to strive to be givers and not takers. Thus, nahama dich’sufah, the bread of embarrassment. We cannot easily accept something for nothing.

    Reb Eliezer

    The question is, why the neshomo should come to this world to earn its keep and not enter olam habo right away? The neshomo does not want nehama dekesufa, bread of shame, free bread without working for it.

    Reb Eliezer

    jewish123, we differentiate the reference to Hashem and to an idol by showing respect through capitalizing the reference to Hashem.

    Reb Eliezer

    When everything is received free, we don’t appreciate, have hakoras hatov, what is given to us. People don’t have to better themselves because they believe they deserve it and it is coming to them.


    Rabbi Yaakov Shapiro has a nice shiur on this topic:
    if I understood correctly, the answer is that this way we could earn MORE reward. Otherwise, everyone would just be the same…

    Reb Eliezer

    The Baal Haikrim combines the 13 beliefs of the Rambam into 3. One, belief in Hashem, two, reward and punishment and three, the Torah is heavenly. If for know effort a person gained olam habo, reward and punishment would be completely eliminated.


    The answer I gave is the explanation given by Rabbi Noach Weinberger z”l from Aish Hatorah.

    Reb Eliezer

    The answer is that we come to this world to fight the yetzer hara by improving ourselves and others and for that there is reward and punishment. The reward and punishment indicates how much nachas ruach, enjoyment we give to Hashem in doing mitzvos.

    Reb Eliezer

    Above it should be, if for no effort.

    Rav Tuv

    Reb Eliezer….Technically it’s the nefesh that will go to Gan Eden or gehinom.after death and Olam Haba l’asid lavo. Most people never ever reach neshama. Technically.

    Reb Eliezer

    I explain from the Sefer Habris the 25 levels of neshama. Nefesh, Ruach, Neshama, Chayah, Yechidah, starting from nefesh shebenefesh, ruach shebenefesh, etc. As a person elevates himself, the yetzer hara becomes stronger, כל הגדול מחבירו יצרו גדול ממנו, so he gains a higher level of neshama in order to balance each other and be able to fight it on an even level.


    mussar zoger.

    People come back in a gilgul until they are done with all of נר”ן. At least that is what the Arial seems to say.
    And most people don’t even get the nefesh.

    Reb Eliezer

    How does a person gain a higher level of neshama in Gan Eden? Maybe through the children and talmidim left behind as it says, holech tomim it does not say holach in the past, so he can continue elevating himself even after death.

    Reb Eliezer

    avreichamshlomo, I have a problem with that as he will never reach the highest level (through 25 levels) and will be constantly in gilgul. We must be a benuni, middle of the level which is different by everyone.


    I believe one can be nisgalgel a maximum of three times.


    When we were sat in Olom Haboh, before creation, basking in the holy light of Hashem, we said this is wonderful! We wanted more, we wanted to be closer to Hashem, more Godliness, more holiness, more of the infinite light.

    How do we get it? We will have to go through some tests and tribulations of this World to earn it. To show our love of Hashem and faith in the hardest times that we will still have faith and didn’t give up on Torah and Mitzvos.

    Then Hashem will reward us with a bigger Olam Haboh, more light, more Holiness.

    Then we were sat in again Olom Haboh and We said again we want more of this wonderful infinite light, we want to be closer to Hashem and the process begins again and again and again!

    Rav Tuv

    Avreicham, Reb Eliezer
    According to Arizal in Shaar HaGilhulim Each combination of NRNCY also has to go thru ABY”A. But everyone starts off with nefesh of asiya. Most do not go any further. There are as many gilgulim as is necessary for tikun…not a max of 3. Just pointing out R E that many mix up nefesh and neshama. There is a vast difference was my original point. Also Gan Eden and gehinom are too simple when you add gilgul to the mix.

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