Post-Election Osama Threat

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    Did anyone hear about this crazy attack Bin Ladin is planning??

    I was listening for the weather and suddenly I hear this outrageous thing that al queida is preparing an attack…. worse than 9/11! I turned it off and didn’t hear anymore!

    Hashem Yishmor! I think HKB”H is sending us messages and warnings and we better shape up fast…. what a pachad!


    Biden was right…. within the first term with Obama as president there would be a major international crises…

    I did not hear about this before you posted it, but I expected a threat to come out soon. There was one right before the elections, but it was not publicized….why would we need a military-man as president if there were no threats?


    Well…this makes sense. But why would he want to bomb his brother anyway?



    It’s not his brotherr.

    jO jO:

    I wouldn’t say to ignore it, but certainly not to make a mountain out of a molehill.


    Obama is on the mark for wanting to go after al Qaeda, don’t you think? Or are you STILL not convinced?

    Joe Biden HaNavi!


    Joe Biden is the Navi for the Moshiach (or as the goyim say- he is the prophet for the messiah/JC, ie who is Obama…)- I dont think you would say that much- or would you? you seem to surprise me all the time….

    HELLO??? Who has been fighting for the last 7 1/2 years with Osama? there have not been new tapes in a while…ie no new evidence… Do you want them to blow up the entire afganistan region (torabora mts) with a nuke to make sure he’s dead and then find out that he fled to pakistan?

    I am convinced about what??

    I was never convinced that Obama was the right president to be chosen, and I am still not convinced now, but I am not complaining that “the election was stolen and there should be a recount for the next month” like some people were 4 and 8 years ago!!!!



    I was echoing your first words with the Joe Biden part.


    Perhaps this thread would be more accurately titled:

    “Post-Election Obama Threat”



    Next time, think before you type.

    Will Hill

    Joe: Good line.

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